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About svendiezl

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  1. Well I wrote a brass quintet. It starts out slow and tonal and quickly livens up with an ostinato. As this piece goes through drama it steadily becomes less tonal and ends in quite a bang. Your comments will greatly be appreciated. http://www.zshare.net/audio/58944993f8eb547f/%5DZ That is a link to the streaming version of it. good Quality. Brass Quintet 2009-2.mus Z.mid
  2. Ok So I have added to This Piece. Here is What I have. Concert minor.MUS
  3. Yeah I kinda thought to myself when I reviewed what I wrote. I gave that part to the flutes instead since are usually more than one flute players and they can stagger breathe on it. Thanks for the comment.
  4. This song took me about a week to write. Still needs a little bit of revoicing work, but I wanna know what all of you think of this. Any kind of feedback is appreciated. I know how to take criticism. Also there is another song on here i want to show off that I just started writing the other day. tell what you think of it so far. It's very contemporary. Thank you for your comments. The Battle.MUS Concert minor.MUS
  5. So I just got an idea to write contemporary music since we were playing some in band class. I got to writing some and here it is. It's pretty much the intro and then it starts into the more fast paced section. Tell me what you think and if it makes you want to hear more. Concert minor.MUS
  6. Ok so I was in lunch today at school and i got an idea for a song so i started writing only had bout an hour and this is all i got so far... Can you guys tell me if it sounds good and catchy and if it is a good start? or have some suggestions as to what to do next. Passion.MUS
  7. I play Trombone in High School. I have written a few trombone trios just for me and my other trombone buddies. This is the first jazz/blues song I have written. I just figured I would try it out.
  8. I had an hour and a half of down time between afternoon practice and evening practice at band camp and so I decided to write a song. And this is what I got out of that hour and a half. It's pretty fun Jazz trio to play. Tell me what you think of it!! :D jazz_trio.MID jazz_trio.MUS
  9. Oh wow... ! I had no idea this topic has gotten dug up to the top again. I posted these songs a long time ago. So I would say I have progressed as a composer since then a lot. I have a song up in the experimental section of the forums.. The topic is called The final Battle. I would appreciate it if you critiqued that song. Maybe even compare it to these.
  10. Good sounding song. Just a few transition problems like mentioned above. The ending could use a little more finality, The ideas are good though.
  11. Thanks for the Comments. I will probably add some more timpani and stuff into it now. As for the name it was kind of a last minute thing. I just came up with a name real quick for the project. I'm willing to change it if you guys have any suggestions for a name or what the song makes you think of.
  12. Ok this piece was my end of the year music theory project. It is written for concert band but I took out some of the instruments because they are obnoxious on Finale and I wanted to have the project done in time. But yeah here is what I have. Let me Know what you think. Here is a link to the mp3: http://www.supload.com/sound_confirm.php?get=1389110096.mp3 The_Battle.MUS The_Battle.MID
  13. Ok so we have our end of the year music theory project. Create your own piece of music with no rules. I started on it yesterday and this is what I have so far.. Tell me what you think and if I should change anything about it so far. creative_piece1.MUS creative_piece1.MID
  14. I thought Parallel 5ths wasnt used back in Bach's type of partwriting music. Just because it was a primitive sound and made your music sound unsophisticated. Im pretty sure there are lots of parallel 5ths being used today. They aren't forbidden anymore. Other than that. Its a good start. It gives me the feeling that there is gonna be a boss battle like in the Final Fantasy series.
  15. I just wrote this Song yesterday and after I got done with I couldn't think of a name for it. Can some one listen to it and tell me what it makes you think of and if it is worth putting lyrics to. The Piano part is supposed to be the vocal line. http://www.savefile.com/files/4610084 thats for the non-finale 2006 users pop_song1.MUS
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