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About Lavr

  • Birthday 04/19/1994

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    I tought myself to play piano and play for 2 years now.
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  1. Lavr


    Structure -Intro-A-B-A-B-C-A-Outro. I was thinking of rapping along this? Sorry no score, did it in Fl Studio 8. Any comments appreciated. =)Storm Storm
  2. Good stuff. Except midi sucks. You should record it in a home studio or something.
  3. This is another piece I wrote for my music exam. We had to write 2 pieces. =) Any comments appreciated. :D Butterfly's Rondo
  4. Lavr


    Hi, this is my piece I wrote for IG Music Exam. Any comments appreciated. Thanks :D Thoughts
  5. Lavr


    Hi, finally I finished this piece. Its kind of a piano concerto. =) Any comments appreciated. Thanks for your time. Oh yea and piano is the easiest to follow on the score. Hope
  6. Hi John, thanks for your comment, I developed the "chances" but not sure if i am finished, please see my new topic and help me out - http://forum.youngcomposers.com/t26291/orchestral-piece-am-i-finished/. Thank you. :)
  7. Hey guys, this is kind of a piano concerto. =) I am close to finishing it and need some suggestions on what to change. I think I need some help with dynamics cause I am not very sure where to put which. I was thinking of changes like: 1) Write a better solo for piano from bars 34-38 2) Bars 47-54 make some changes in melody, not repeat it over and over again. Yeah and ending is a bit rushed, its cause I realised at the last moment that my piece would be too long if I keep writing. =D Note: You will see some instruments that cant play chords will be playing chords, just imagine there are more then one instrument of that type. =) The piano is the easiest to follow on the score. =) Thanks for your time. :D chances.mp3 CHANCES.pdf
  8. And should I put them together in one? SADNESS.pdf chances.pdf SADNESS.mp3 chances.mp3
  9. Not bad. Theme at 1:05 reminds of something, as if I have heard it before.
  10. Original music is by band Linkin Park. I rewrote this music for piano and guitar duet, had to work it out by ear. Link to original song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzuo_UObpuA Any comments appreciated. Linkin Park - What Ive Done
  11. Lavr

    Symphony No. 1

    Pretty good professional piece.
  12. Hey thanks, I really have no idea how to write the beats for drums.
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