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About jujimufu

  • Birthday 09/30/1989

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    I dislike the layout.
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    I dislike the new rules.
  • Occupation
    I dislike some members. Why should I stay?
  • Interests
    I dislike some members of staff and their (mis)behaviour.

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  1. You guys are funny. Aside from not replying to any of the points I made, I got banned from the shoutbox just two minutes ago. That's because I said the following phrase: "bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep" I really don't want to go in depth of informing all of you that all of the aforementioned words (apart from "sex") are animals and these are terms used in every day language. The context I used them was not a vulgar, offensive, cursing or aggressive context. And I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be allowed to say the word "sex". Bye bye. Have fun for the rest of YC. I can't be bothered to write down all the reasons for which I'm leaving, firstly because the post will probably be deleted (oops), secondly because it should be obvious by now why people are leaving. If it isn't, take a break and rethink what you've done and what you haven't done. I will not return to this website unless the administrators kiss my behind while humming the french national anthem backwards. As this is unlikely to happen, I salute you (oh wait, I spoke a word in French!) (BAN!) Laonikos
  2. You guys are funny. Aside from not replying to any of the points I made, I got banned from the shoutbox just two minutes ago. That's because I said the following phrase: "boob tat cock donkey cat sex" I really don't want to go in depth of informing all of you that all of the aforementioned words (apart from "sex") are animals and these are terms used in every day language. The context I used them was not a vulgar, offensive, cursing or aggressive context. And I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be allowed to say the word "sex". Bye bye. Have fun for the rest of YC. I can't be bothered to write down all the reasons for which I'm leaving, firstly because the post will probably be deleted (oops), secondly because it should be obvious by now why people are leaving. If it isn't, take a break and rethink what you've done and what you haven't done. I will not return to this website unless the administrators kiss my behind while humming the french national anthem backwards. As this is unlikely to happen, I salute you (oh wait, I spoke a word in French!) (BAN!) -Laonikos
  3. Welcome to YC :) A place where people spend more time cursing in the discussion forums, argueing about God, masturbation and chillies in the Off-Topic and where admins think that changing the rules will make people comment more. For one thing, no one asked you to put all these hours into this project. Secondly, if I was you I wouldn't care much about the reception of the piece (or comments on it) by people from YC. It seems you're doing a nice production there and have already a lot of work done with musicians, teachers and singers (and presumably sets in the future). So get your work appreciated by the people around you, the people who know you, who know your music, who know your players. I'm sorry to be so abrupt, but I've been a bit annoyed by members of the staff lately (and some other members). I've watched the video, although I haven't commented. It's sad that no one has commented within that month, though. I will comment when I get back from school (I really need to go get a book). Take care and good luck with the performance of the piece :D
  4. Hi. Soooo... that's very nice. But what are we supposed to discuss here? (given that this was posted in a discussions forum) Or, if we're not supposed to discuss anything, then I think (I'll let to the mods to decide) it should be moved to the Advertisements and Member Announcements forum.
  5. I also find this interview with Wolfgang Rihm interesting when it come to style (2nd page) "Style only exists through artists who produce it. No one can
  6. I find Adler's book to be quite conservative in terms of instrumentation - I prefer Blatter's book on that. Also, I've found a very interesting way to look at extended techniques for instruments is to look at notation books (such as Kurt Stone's book on modern notation). And then go off to find a violinist to play it to you and ask him any questions about it.
  7. I have listened to a lot of pieces which don't really mean anything. They're just there, and they're beautiful (some times). You CAN appreciate music just for the sake of it, for the soundscapes it explores, for the sounds it evokes. You don't have to associate with it emotionally to appreciate it or for the music to be nice or beautiful or good. A lot of Birtwistle's music is like that, so is Jo Kondo's. Or Finnissy's. Or a lot of other composers'. As Qc has said before, "emotional" music (with the intent of communicating an emotion, that is) was written over a short period of about 50 years; neither Haydn nor Bach wrote with these kind of "emotions" in mind (the ones that Wagner or Mahler were writing anyway). How would you communicate an emotion through music anyway? :x
  8. Which is.. why so many members have left YC (not necessarily now, but generally). "Preventing" policies are alright, as long as they don't go over the top and become a bit silly, in my opinion. A police man yesterday kicked a guy's handmade, plastic flute away because "it can be used as a weapon". The guy then offered him his shoes saying "but look, my shoes can be used as a weapon, take them" and the policeman didn't, obviously. In Kingsnorth, the police confiscated items such as bic pens, bike locks, bike lock keys, bike tubes and kids crayons because they could be used as weapons. A spoon was also confiscated, because they said the protester could "dig his way in" the Kingsnorth coal factory. Apparently, it is in the nature of the members of this website to start fights like that and argue very fiercely. Imagine if we just put all psychopaths and people with mental disorders in jail or decapitated them because potentially they could be dangerous to society. That's what psychologists (thank god) don't do - instead, they try to deal with the source of the problem, not just put the dust under the carpet and pretend the job's done. As I said above, I believe the easy way is to just make the rules more strict, and have the admins and mods apply them ever so strictly. But it's not necessarily the best way to tackle the problem. The admins should give more effort in trying to find a solution to the problem, understand why their website attracts people who start/initiate such aggressive behaviour in the website, engage with those people, find out why this has been happening. Then, all you need to do is just make a note in the rules that "Such and such behaviour has been noticed in the past in the website. Threads which end up like that will be locked and the members suspended. If you see a conversation heading towards that direction, contact a moderator and they'll try to settle things down, if it's not possible to do it yourself." Furthermore, I don't really think anyone reads the rules and regulations of any website they join (or any program they install, in fact). So I think another very good idea would be to sum up the rules in 5 short phrases, something like: 1. No illegal content, hate speech, spam or sexual imagery. 2. No multiple accounts. 3. No multi-posting. 4. You must behave in the forums and shoutbox. 5. Speak in good english. for details, check the forum rules and make sure the members get a PM and pager message with those rules on joining the website. Because they WILL read these rules, while they won't read the whole of the Code of Conduct on joining in. And you might say "yeah, but they're supposed to, and we expect them to" - but that's not going to solve any problems. They will behave as if they haven't read the rules, which doesn't really amend the situation. Instead, if you make sure they are familiar with the five most important things about your rules, they will read those 5 short lines and they will be aware of these things, and if they ever think they might be breaking the rules, they will go check with the whole Code of Conduct. I doubt any of you has ever opened and read the whole of your country's Constitution or Law. Yet it can be summed into a few simple things, for newcomes, such as: don't kill, don't steal, don't hit other people, don't damage public property etc. You don't necessarily have to know all of a country's Laws to function and behave within it, but there are some things which are the "top rules" or the "big fat ones" that everyone must know (and does know). It's not applying those rules harder that is going to make people kill less or steal less, but it's making sure everyone KNOWS that they shouldn't kill or shouldn't steal that's going to do it. Lastly, I'm not questioning the admins' right to change the rules, I'm questioning their decision just now, to which I disagree and I show my disagreement with. EDIT: Oh wow! I just saw this in the Code of Conduct (as mentioned by other members): No promotion of an outside forum is allowed! At all. Not in signatures, not anywhere! I think this is extreme. Despite the very obvious complications this will have in helping out members (if a member comes and asks for Sibelius or Finale help, according to this rule we are NOT to redirect them to the sibelius or finale help forum..) (which sounds absurd). Furthermore, I don't understand the reason behind it. Why? Is it because YC will lose members if an outside forum is advertised too much? I think you're losing more members by changing the rules into something abstractly unreasonable and unnecessarily strict and while you may be attracting more new members, I think that's akin to a bad restaurant behaviour: it's always better to hold on to your older customers and respect them than to care more about your new customers; because nothing guarantees that your new customers will stay (especially if they see you don't treat the old customers well), and you will lose your old customers which you spent so much effort keeping there (bad restaurants try to get as many new customers instead of trying to hold on to the old ones). This is also very similar to saying "This is our pub and we sell Budweiser beer. It is not allowed to talk about any drinks other than Bud." Read this sentence out loud to yourself. Do you sound wise, reasonable or right at all? Again, I'm not questioning your right to say that or to not allow your customers to talk about any other drink other than Bud, but I'm questioning your decision in telling them to do so. ---- EDIT 2: So, let me get this straight. According to your rules (Any and all posts falling in violation of these core rules will be deleted without warning. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.), any of the examples of conversations below should be deleted and are not allowed in this forum: (post: John) If you have any questions about finale, check out the http://www.finaleforum.com/ . It's really helpful! [must be deleted: promoting a forum other than YC] (shout: John) Hi (shout: Mary) Ciao! [Mary must be banned, she spoke in a different language] (post1: John) I really like your piece, but I think it would be nicer without the viola (post2: Mary) Hey, thanks! But the piece is for viola solo... (post3: Jack) LOL! [Jack's post must be deleted - it will be considered as spam] (post: John) What the hell? Haha, that's as funny as two kangaroos having sex! [John's post must be deleted, as "Posts bearing graphic sexual content will not be allowed; this includes text and images. "] (shout: robinjessome) http://www.deezer.com/track/54587 (robinjessome's post/shout should be deleted, a) it links/promotes a site other than YC, b) the website contains copyrighted material, and is a "link to an MP3 rendition of commercially released music.") To be honest, I would suggest you check other websites' rules for their shoutboxes and forums, such as deviantart. Maybe you can learn something from titan websites that have thousands of thousands of members and get thousands of new ones every single day. I think deviantart is a really good website and I've never had any problems with their rules and regulations (apart when one of their admins was breaking a rule and I got punished for it while he didn't, and they denied everything when I addressed the issue and tried to mislead me into believing that he had the permission to do so - which is why I left the website and haven't been there since). dA Etiquette Policy FAQ #287: What rules apply to the Chat Network? FAQ #36: Are there any rules for the shoutbox? FAQ #263: What is spamming? FAQ #54: What is flooding?
  9. Again, that does not mean you have to wait for "inspiration" to write with a goal or idea in mind. And I have listened to some of the most amazing emotionless music in my life from some composers. I think you're taking too much as granted when implying that all music has to be emotional in order to be good. Baroque music or classical music wasn't written to stir emotions, neither did music after about the 1940's. In fact, some romantic music and film music is all I can think of as "emotional", which again is highly subjective (a minor chord can sound as "sad" to someone but as "happy" to someone else; so if the composer wanted to evoke "sadness" by using a minor chord, but a listener interprets that as "happiness", how much has he succeeded? is it bad music because it failed to communicate the "sadness"? or is it good music because it evoked an emotion?) When Louis Andriessen was asked "To what extent is it possible for music to express extra-musical meanings?", he replied: "
  10. I did not censor the word in the title because that's how the title of the piece is and it's not to my discretion whether I'll censor that or not. But I censored it the second time because that time it was me saying that word in a different context (i.e. in a context where I choose the words), hence I censored it because otherwise that would be considered as a curse word and therefore against the rules. Of course, one may say that my mentioning the word "f***ing" in the piece's title uncensored would break the rules, but then we're just throwing artistic license in the river and that would offend nikolas, not me.
  11. Superman, obviously. I don't see how I ended up in a discussion about fallacies, logicians and equivocation, but LOUD NOISES.
  12. "More aggressively enforced - staying on topic." So, if I like say "oh, btw, I forgot the tap running so I have to go" - it's completely off almost any musical topic. Should my post get deleted? :x I think the rules should not change. I don't think there is a problem with the rules - the problem lies with the people taking part in the conversations (including those who provoke them, such as SSC's pungent comments, some times, and others') (just mentioning SSC because he seems fond of trolls and always wants to have the last word -with the trolls wanting to do the same- resulting in a conversation which converges more and more to just flaming and cursing in the end) (which he seems to enjoy, but nevertheless) (I'll stop here - I have nothing against SSC, just mentioning him for the reasons I mentioned above) (end of brackets) (no really) (...) I think what would be a great idea would be to somehow be able to stop a person from posting in a particular thread. If we had a function where all the members would be able to vote which member(s) should not take part in the conversation, and that number reaches a certain standard, then that member should be disallowed from taking part in that discussion. OR The mods could do that instead. I think the situation is fine as it is - the only problem being that many conversations end up aggressively I also don't agree about profanity - when registering in the website you have to agree you're over 13. Therefore any members who are younger than 13 should not be on this website, and if you know such members you should ban them according to the rules you guys have set up for the website already. Alternatively, you could use a filter for those younger than, say, 16 but leave the option on for older people. What about pieces like nikolas' "My loving Life"? Should he be able to post his piece here or talk about it or mention it because it contains the word "f***ing" in it? I think that the changes of the rules need to be reconsidered. Again, not because they will not reduce the profane/cursive threads (the rules will probably do that just fine), but because the rules are not the root of the problem, and by patching up a situation you don't completely fix it and that situation is meant to get out of hand in a later course. I believe in trying to fix the problem to its root, which means having a personal discussion with those members causing the ruckus (provoking ones and offensive ones alike) and explain them some things which you think they should be aware of, and warn them for future conversations (you could also warn new members who seem to have attributes of the behaviour that you'd like to avoid in this website). I understand this is a lot harder than just changing the rules and enforcing them, but I believe this will be a lot more effective, friendly, down to the point and will amend the problem at its root.
  13. Donatoni said β€œFor me, now, composing music is very physical. And it is important to do it every day. I am an artisan – a craftsman – and I have to practice my craft.” John Cage famously was asked about his encounters with Zen Buddhism, "So, do you meditate every day" and he replied "No - but I compose every day". Also, I remember reading somewhere that J.S. Bach said that if someone wants to be a great composer, they have to compose every day. But I doubt they know anything about composing music. To answer your question, then: No, absolutely not. You know what makes you better? Sitting on the floor staring at the ceiling until you go mad.
  14. the bigger, the louder (usually). Also, I would imagine a very big woodblock hit with a hammer would make a LOT of loud sound. Otherwise, just mike anything and that should do it :P
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