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About Davison

  • Birthday 11/10/1994

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  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius 6, Finale 2008, Reason 4
  • Instruments Played
    Violin, Viola, Piano

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  1. Posted some new music! :)

  2. I have added to audio. I hope that this helps you in giving me feedback on the piece
  3. The audio has been uploaded! Check it out
  4. Thank you all for you comments. I was aware of the piano part being, for the most part, impossible to play. The piano part is more of a score reduction, not a real part that a pianist would play. Also, as being both a violinist and violist, I find the violin part to be most playable, seeing as while I transcribed the piece, I made sure that I could preform it. The audio file, Which I made in Resaon, is not a supported file, so now I have to convert it to MP3...so it will be up in about a day or two. I will post the full orchestration of this piece soon. I will alos post the orginal work, for viola, also. Again, thank you all for all of your comments, they very help me out!
  5. Viola Concerto No. 1 in A Minor (arranged for violin and piano; in E Minor)Music by Davison YonThe orginal concerto is for viola, but this one has been arranged for violin in E minorViola Concerto No. 1 in A Minor (arranged for violin and piano in E minor) Viola Concerto No. 1 in A Minor (arranged for violin and piano in E minor)
  6. FOR 3rd Mov't in the third mov't, I found (in my opinion) the bass part to be boring. I looked and saw that majority of the time, the bass was either playing the roots of chords, or the arpeggio's of those chords, which is a little boring. I looked and it looked like they were only playing about 30% of the time. I feel like their parts could be a little more complex (this is in my opinion). One thing I really liked was how you went from G minor (I) to D major (V). I really enjoyed that!
  7. Davison

    For You

    I don't like the midi version of this peice as much, but my recording I liked of my peice was not supported as an upload music file.
  8. Davison

    For You

    To Janice Rodgers, my best cello friend, who passed away dec.23, 2009. You wii be missed! For You
  9. Themes from many of my arrangements and orginal works, all mixed in with so many things just look at score! FOR WORST MUSIC CONTEST! Worst MUSIC EVER
  10. I have reloaded the Score file.
  11. In beat 5 of ms.40, the pianist will have a VERYYY far fingureing!!! it is impossible! You do have this in a couple places, so unless you want the pianist to roll the chords, you should probley make the piano a 0ne piano, 4 hands part. You could also rewrite the parts to get the chord also. Also, you song , to me, got a little boring near the end, because of the use of repetition. I do like the song overall, but you need to work on the part writing and repetition. I liked it! Davison
  12. One concern, Umm the Violin part at 8:49 to end, is that in the "real" range? I feel like it will be missed when preformed, will all of the string players "searcing for the note". I liked how the kept the moving accomp. from Carol of the Bells going throughout the peice. Good work!!! Looking forward to seeing the score!
  13. I love the usage of the cello in it upper resigter!!!! Many composers might keep the cello on its lower strings, but you were not affraid! Much praise to that! I love have this peice has alot of emotion!!! I love your use of relative major and minor keys!!! Keep up the good work! Davison
  14. The ending, on how you sumed up all of your chord progressions, was WONDERFULL! I love how the song is simple, yet full, if that make sense. You have truely taken the phrase, "less is more", and made it true. Wonderfull job!!! Keep on the good work.
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