Well I started trying out PreSonus Studio One, and so far, I'm finding it very intuitive, easy to use, and as you mentioned, very nice looking. Of course, since I have no experience with these programs, I have nothing to compare it to. So I'll make sure to try out Reaper, Sonar, and Cubase as well. I'll probably give ProTools a miss for now, since I'm liking the idea of using free VSTs, which is harder to do with ProTools, and I'll probably familiarize myself with it at some later point in time once I become familiar with whatever DAW I choose. It shouldn't be TOO hard to switch between them once you're used to one, right? (I mean they all do the same thing anyway...)
Anyways, thanks a lot for the recommendations, particularly with Studio One (since I had never heard of it, even after doing hours of research). This process is seeming much less daunting then it had before!