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About fegane

  • Birthday 04/09/1993

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    Cleveland, Ohio

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  1. Thanks Siwi I will truly take those things you suggested into account. And the pizz is very easily playable just to let you know. Also I use the tempo markings very roughly I just want them near that tempo and varie it around that. But again thankyou so much!
  2. I have to say I enjoyed this etude a great deal even though you had the continuous 16th notes throughout you did enough with it that it was still quite interesting. Some thoughts though, maybe you could utilize the motive you have at m.19&21 I enjoyed the slow down in those measures and you never resort back to them later in the work. And my only other thing is the ending of the peice. It seems like you could lengthen this ending a bit (such as repeating 121-122 a couple more times) so you could build up even greater tension and end it in a grand ending. But again very nice etude.
  3. This something I wrote in a short period of time so that it could be played with relative ease in a upcoming concert. I tried to utilize the open strings of the violin to make it more playable but also to bring out a specific color. Also, I attempted to compose this work that it would not be boring to the audience and would cause excitement. Hopefully you enjoy. Fegane Violin Solo 2.pdf Violin Solo 2.MUS Violin Solo 2.mid
  4. Well this piece is over and done with practically I have moved on and learned from my mistakes but im just MichaelAlex how do you find it too repeatitive most of the people I have spoken to about this work have said I need to repeat some places more. Also where do I have all the sections playing different parts. Just wondering
  5. Well I do like your writing style a lot, but i have to agree with royhoobler you should try to change keys somewhere in there so it brings something new to listener and they feel pleased. Also a thing that I would like to hear out of you cause you do such great development maybe expand those sections because I think you can get a lot more out of this. But, again very nice piece
  6. Well I thought it was a nice piece and really well written but for me it just doesn't seem to have that "it" factor that would really draw me into listening to this piece that the greats like Beethoven put into there greatest compositions. So, I like this work very much but it needs something to really catch my ear more i guess.
  7. Well for the people who said that the flowing between variations I totally agree that they are well unflowing and that is something that I am trying to work on and I have recognized that. But, as for the actual variations I like to push the limit on how close they are to the main theme as I saw Brahms seemed to do this more but I just went a little further but they are related to eachother. I thankyou all for your comments
  8. I like what you have but I want something more out of this piece the variations seems to much like the original theme and its not giving enough spice to the entire work if possible i would like to hear more variation(s) to help show what you can really do.
  9. Just looking at the piece its way to confusing for a performer you should to dum down some of the sections so its a little more readable such as the recitative section with all the 5's just make sure you look at that even though the beginning and the ends didn't intrigue me as much the middle section was quite nice
  11. Well I have to say I liked the beginning of the piece but you really don't change it up giving us variety for the whole rest of the song which makes it rather boring because one starts to believe they are hearing the same things over and over again. Also, you stick to practically the same key for the whole work one gets sick of hearing the same notes continously so if you change that up you'll bring a whole new refreshing sound to the listener that will keep them intrigued
  12. Well to me this was an okay piece but one never gets pulled into the piece and intrigued with what you do, it seems as if its just a drone at times. The one thing that really confuses me about this work is its form the parts of it don't, well at least to me, seem to flow as if they are one piece. Also, when you come to your coda type thing at m. 71 feels like your just putting it in so you can just finish the song because you are getting sick with it or something like that so if you could maybe build into that coda in a little different way i think it could work. This composition has potential you just need to work on it.
  13. It is mostly based on one motif that i give in the beginning of the peice and if you look it shows up almost everywhere except maybe the b section
  14. Nope not really
  15. I can't really understand that but I was trying to say that this is too much to handle by itself it needs some contrast to make it a little broader
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