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About newport

  • Birthday 02/20/1970

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    West Sussex

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  1. Yep - Definitely go along with Bolero!
  2. IE is always a problem! Try Firefox - I've never had any problem like this on YC if I'm logged out.
  3. newport


    I can't really add anything to what has already been said about this piece apart from I like it a lot! Sure there's one or two problems with it (as has already been pointed out), but the quality of the writing overcomes them. Maybe it does sound a bit overwhelming in parts but that's easily sorted. The lack of Mexican feel is not so easy to deal with, but overall as a piece of music - it's good.
  4. Bose and Sennheiser are probably the best around. I wouldn't spend a fortune on a pair - especially noise cancelling - It's bound to colour the audio and to be honest I can't see they justify the price (especially Bose!!). I use a pair of Sennheiser HD555 and for me, they strike a good balance between cost and quality.
  5. Definitely try them out for yourself. Personally I use a pair Sennheiser HD-555 when I need to work without disturbing others. I find then very comfortable to wear for extended periods, and I think the sound quality (for their price) is pretty good. It's possible to spend a fortune on headphones, but you can't effectively mix or master on them - for that you must use monitors.
  6. A Beautifully constructed piece. I found it very moving and the dynamics only added to that feeling. It would sound fantastic performed in a large cathedral with that luscious reverb only those sorts of buildings can provide.
  7. Wonderful piece! It all works together very well. A superb soprano that works well with the organ giving a pleasing contrast which results in an inspirational result.
  8. A good piece of work. Without knowing anything about the film, it's difficult to say if it would work in that context. In any case, I think it's a well written piece. I agree with the reviews above about the ending, but that's nothing that can't be sorted out! Personally I'm a VSL fan, but to be honest, I always feel that GPO (and others) seems to lend itself to getting that "Hollywood" film sound. Thanks for sharing it with us!
  9. I agree that the MIDI work does not show it in it's best light, but listen past it, and theres a fine piece there! My only problem is that I felt the bells were a fraction over done. To me they lost their impact and dramatic effect because of it. It was only borderline though - perhaps it was more a case of the actual sound used rather than their frequency of use. Apart from that, I enjoyed listening to it. Good luck - I hope it gets chosen!
  10. Waiting for inspiration!

  11. Waiting for inspiration!

  12. newport

    Small Intro

    I like the idea - a good dramatic intro. I was anticipating a change or development to the motif, but it didn't happen! A real shame as I thought it showed great promise. Perhaps you should consider developing it a bit more. Good work though!
  13. Very good work. I like the dark atmosphere you have created with this piece. I gather it is not fully complete yet - I would like to hear it again when it is! As has been mentioned previously, it would sound amazing if played with a live orchestra. You're definitely on the right track - keep it up!
  14. Impresario - that tends to be the way I work. I had formal training years ago, but over time the theory slowly gave way to the 'does it sound good?' approach. I still dip into it once in a while, but I've forgotten a lot of it, so it means digging out my old books for a refresh (if I can be bothered). Thank goodness I'm not the only one!
  15. Thanks for this 3rd part - a fascinating journey indeed! I'm probably showing my age, but the last time I seriously worked with timecodes was in the days of having to stripe a track on the reel to reel with the SMPTE code. Those were the days.<_< Seriously though, they can be a pain in the whatsit to setup - you have my sympathies! Thanks for answering my question - I can see fully the rationale behind it. Another tip to store away in my old brain. Good luck with the session!
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