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About Gisli

  • Birthday 04/16/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Reykjavík, Iceland
  • Occupation
    Student / Teacher
  • Interests
    music, sports (tennis, squash, skiing...)
  • Favorite Composers
    To name a few: Stravinsky, Bartók, Messiaen, Donatoni, Feldman
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius 7
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  1. Even though this does not follow the prescription 100% it does use a lot of different harmonies at a short time and I thought it would be fun to share. Can anyone figure out what's going on in the melody? :hmmm:
  2. I wrote one too :) http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/3547/fugue-in-d-major-fugue-challenge/
  3. Simple 2 voice canon at the 8thCanon alla Ottava 2 Canona alla Ottava 2
  4. Simple 2 voice canon at the 8th Canona alla Ottava 1
  5. @ParanoidFreak I was aware of the parallel octaves in the end but I wanted to keep the imitation between the two higher voices.
  6. thank you guys! I appreciate your comments
  7. Nice and detailed use of chromatic. More extreme than in Bach's chromatic fugues
  8. 3-voice fugue in F major for keyboard Fugue in F major
  9. 4 short fugues in baroque style 4 Fugues
  10. No actually the 3/4 section was supposed to be independent as it is very different from the first section and starts in Bb major while the beginning is in G minor. If you can find any relation between the two subjects then it's only coincidence :happy:
  11. French overture with strong characteristics of a fugue.I wrote this yesterday Fugal Overture
  12. reminds me of froberger ricercares, nice
  13. This is my first cantata, based on Martin Luther's chorale "Vom himmel hoch da komm ich her" ("From heaven above to earth I come").The chorale is used as a cantus firmus throughout the entire piece.The lyrics are in Icelandic (my language)I. OuvertureAf himnum ofan boðskap ber / oss, börnum jarðar, englaher / Vér fögnum þeirri fregn í trú, / af fögnuð hjartans syngjum nú."From heaven above to earth I come / To bear good news to every home / Glad tidings of great joy I bring / Whereof I now will say and sing."II. Aria (Soprano)Í dag er heimi frelsi fætt, / er fær vor mein og harma bætt, / það barnið þekkjum blessað vér, / vor bróðir Jesús Kristur er."To you this night is born a child / Of Mary, chosen virgin mild / This little child, of lowly birth / Shall be the joy of all the earth."III. CoroOg oss til merkis er það sagt: / Í aumum reifum finnum lagt / það barn í jötu', er hefur heim / í hendi sér og ljóssins geim. "These are the tokens ye shall mark /The swaddling-clothes and manger dark / There ye shall find the Infant laid / By whom the heavens and earth were made."IV. Aria (Basso)Því gleðjumst allir, góðir menn, / og göngum þangað allir senn, / þá jólagjöf, Guðs son, að sjá, / er sauða hirðar gleðjast hjá. "Now let us all with gladsome cheer / Go with the shepherds and draw near / To see the precious gift of God, / Who hath His own dear Son bestowed."V. CoroÆ, velkominn oss vertu þá, / er vorar syndir tókst þig á. / Oss, Jesús, kenn að þakka þér, / að þínir bræður urðum vér."Welcome to earth, Thou noble Guest, / Through whom the sinful world is blest! / Thou com'st to share my misery / What thanks shall I return to Thee?"VI. Duet (Alto & Tenore)Ó, Guð, sem ráð á öllu átt, / hví ertu kominn hér svo lágt, / í tötrum lagður hart á hey, / sem hefðir dýrri bústað ei?"Ah, Lord, who hast created all / How weak art Thou, how poor and small / That Thou dost choose Thine infant bed / Where humble cattle lately fed!"VII. ChoraleÞótt veröld öll sé víð og löng, / sú vaggan er þér samt of þröng / og þín ei verð, þótt væri' hún full / af vegsemd þeirri', er skín sem gull.Svo hefur, Drottinn, þóknast þér, / og þá vilt speki kenna mér, / að heimsins auð og allt hans glys / þú eigi virðir meira' en fis."Were earth a thousand times as fair / Beset with gold and jewels rare / It yet were far too poor to be / A narrow cradle, Lord, for Thee." "And thus, dear Lord, it pleaseth Thee / To make this truth quite plain to me / That all the world's wealth, honor, might / Are naught and worthless in Thy sight." Cantata no.1
  14. Those parallel octaves were so obvious, how could I not see them. Now they're gone. The chorales are still used in church ceremonies. Some organists write their own chorale preludes and play them in masses e.g. But I'm mostly doing this for fun.
  15. 2 Chorale Preludes 2 Chorale Preludes
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