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About Delusional

  • Birthday 01/27/1993

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  1. Very nice piano work, and a great insane piece; I love it! Not really much more to say than that.
  2. This was created for an upcoming game on the XBOX Live Arcade platform. You can find the full soundtrack on YouTube under "Legend of the Peach Girl OST."The game is aimed moreso at children, but as the team had given me free reign with the musical direction, I decided to give the music (and ambiences) a darker, more mature feel, resulting in an intriguingly effective hybrid tone. This piece was my favourite to compose, the vocals and orchestral mixes in particular.Leave some solid feedback to let me know you've listened, please!Thank you, and enjoy. The Ogre King ~ Decisive Battle
  3. It's strange that you should mention that. I personally find while composing styles don't exist; they'll blend together if required, but like you said, it's the music. However, when reviewing, we tend to fall back on describing something as a certain style, since it's much easier to define music in that sense. You're welcome :)
  4. I tend to only respect artists who write their own music (or collaborate). His music at the moment is simply someone trying to rake in money. Once he writes his own stuff, I may begin to listen out for that. Perhaps the lyrics will be more meaningful, or like any good artist he'll experiment. For now though, he's just another bland pop artist whose songs are annoying, rather than enjoyable and thought provoking.
  5. Interesting feel to the song. I like the water, it's a nice touch, as you don't often hear sound effects used in MIDIs (at least, I haven't). The background does get a bit repetitive, but that's mainly because there's a lack of a distinctive chorus of sorts, or at least a bridge. Perhaps add something in that is a change of rhythm. I like the nice shift into a darker tone later in the song, then the gradual change back; it adds some colour there. Overall, well done, a good and solid track, that's fun to listen to as well.
  6. I love it! It's so... unique. Definitely a favourite of the "alternative" style of music. This could easily be combined into another song and give it an industrial flavour. Good!
  7. Using music to speak of subject matter, usually political, is not new, however... it's great to listen to sometimes. This is one of those times. I enjoyed the bouncing electronic sounds, and the woman singing was a nice touch. It has a dark but playful feel, in a way. Love the news report going on in the background as well.
  8. Well, personally I enjoyed this. It's a nice blend of alternative electronic, ambient, and it also has an Industrial feeling to it. It's not to hurtful to the ears, either. If you haven't already, check out some of Akira Yamaoka's Silent Hill tracks, they're right up your alley. You have a good dark ambient structure, and this one seems to stand out. Bravo, bravo!
  9. Interesting sounds you have there. If you're going for a hip hop feel, I would soften the violins(?) a bit; they can be a bit fatiguing to the ear. The drum reverb seems distant; try lowering the room size and perhaps dropping the wet a bit. The choir blends nicely at the start. Other than those small things, good job, I could imagine this as backing for a hip hop track; very urban classical.
  10. Great piece! Good example of a "neutral" battle theme. I loved every bit of it. Just out of curiosity, how much/many years of experience have you had composing and producing?
  11. Nice stuff. I love the bassline, however, the metallic hits sound too dry when being forced downwards in pitch. You could splash them with some reverb and give them EQ to add some more atmosphere. A bit more stereo depth and general layering would give the ambience in the background a punch! Good work, nonetheless, I like it so far.
  12. Beautiful piece. I love the piano, but then again, I'm a sucker for piano in any song. The strings add a real depth, and the samples you're using sound really wonderful. Great work! Hope you continue with these sorts of pieces!
  13. Alright, I fixed the latency by reducing the directsound buffer to around 16ms, however, now I have horrific crackling during the song preview. I'm assuming my computer just isn't fast enough at 2.0 GHz and 1 GB RAM to play it back without hitches. There any way to somehow keep everything intact but stop the crackling? Edit: Wait, I just enabled ASIO4ALL on my computer (my soundcard has no idea what ASIO is, nor how to use it) and it seems to have corrected the buffer to around 416 (10ms) samples with no crackling. It's so... Beautiful. 8D Thank you for helping!
  14. I have 2.0 GHz and 1 GB RAM... I'm guessing that's not enough. Haha. 32 bit set up, too.
  15. Hi all, Recently I installed the free edition of the EW/QL Symphonic Orchestra plug-in, and I'm finding that after export, the instruments sometimes cut out (often completely). This is in the MP3 file, not in the preview. I am using FL Studio 8. The buffer was set at 40ms at the time of composing it, but it is now set at 16ms.
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