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About Nicrion

  • Birthday 12/11/1992

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  1. Going by the title, I expected something Pirates of the Caribbean-esque. And it very much did live up to that expectation! I loved the instrumentation and overall feel. And like has been said before, too bad you were limited when making it. But great work nonetheless!
  2. Absolutely love the percussion in this! And I adore anything Japanese (actually just did a piece in the traditional style very recently), so this definitely pleased me!
  3. Animation used to be one of my big hobbies! It's a shame I didn't continue with it... But this gives me hope, maybe I can do similar collaborative works in the future. :) Anyhow, the music fit really well with the animation, I think the emotions were well captured. The different themes were also nicely connected, which seems like it would have been a challenge, since they follow each other rather quickly. I really enjoyed this! :D
  4. Wow! You really captured the feeling you were going for very well. Great energy, pace, and it draws the attention and keeps it there. Awesome job!
  5. It's been a while, but I was finally able to finish something again! This was quite fun to do. I love anything Japanese, so I looked more into it. I liked working with the pentatonic scale and the traditional instruments. ^_^ So the story behind this is as follows: "A lone samurai is on a journey. As he is traveling, he encounters an enemy who challenges his honor. The samurai makes quick work of him (hence the shortness of the allegro section), and continues onwards." Note that this was my first time ever using drums. They are not accurate on the sheet, because 1. I didn't know the correct names of some of the drum parts, so I screwed around with them in Garageband, and 2. I don't know much about playing them, so everything's kinda all over the place ^^" The Rising Sun
  6. Very nice for a first boss battle/orchestrated theme! Do I spot a hint of Kingdom Hearts influence? Not sure... Anyway, I agree with John on adding some more bass. Not really anything I can add. Keep it up! :)
  7. This is really catchy, had my attention right from the start! As for criticism, I think the only thing is that it's midi, like has been said before me.
  8. At first, when I thought of this song in Advent Children, the scene that came into my head was more the motor chasing scene, rather than the Sephiroth battle. But maybe I'm just used to One Winged Angel too much? Hehe. Overall, a cool piece. And as others have said, slightly repetitive, but in boss battles, people tend to focus a lot more on the gameplay than the music, so this is not a major issue. I would also go for choir sounds, especially if you had Sephiroth, or a similar character for that matter, in mind. It would also help to break through the monotony, I think.
  9. I really like the atmosphere in this piece. It has a simple melody and stays within the same theme, that slowly develops, which is another thing I like about it: the overall melody remains recognizable, but evolves at the same time. And even though it was over 5:30 minutes long, it didn't seem all that long, it was enjoyable to listen to! The only thing that bothered me was that the first chord in the second measure seemed a little out of place to me. The chords also sounded somewhat monotonous up until the 'Flowing' part. However, not so much that it was jarring. I mean, it was only until I listened a second time to it while looking at the sheet that I really noticed. Nice work! :)
  10. Now that you mention it, you're absolutely right, it should be g minor! The thing is I almost never analyze my sheet music. I go by feeling and the way it sounds. Which key I choose to display in the title is chosen simply by looking at the flats/sharps at the beginning of the staff, which usually causes me to go with a major scale, since they are usually the more obvious choice. I guess the same thing can be said for the ending. It was all about the feeling. I never really took all these rules that seriously... ^^" So I can't say the ending chord was planned or not. I was just going with what felt right at that time. Thanks a lot for the comments! Now I know what to look out for, notation-wise, the next time I write something! :D
  11. Haha, it's because my sight reading sucks a little, so it's basically for reading it easier :P Thanks so much for the reply! I had actually started on multiple movement sonatas and whatnot, but I'm sorta stuck right now...
  12. I'm still new when it comes to different composing styles. So I decided to have a go at a string quartet, meaning this is my first one. I got the inspiration for it after getting Red Dead Redemption. The image I had was someone having to leave everything they once knew behind to set out on an important journey. Something along those lines. I'm unsure if I should've added the repeat. But I felt it would've been too short (all of my pieces are rather short...). Thoughts? PS: I know the instruments are kind of horrible. Garageband doesn't have solo strings, so I got some random ones off of Google :/ Leaving Home
  13. Hi guys. I've been away for a very long time. All kinds of stuff came up, so I took a break from composing for a while. But now I'm back, and I hope I'll stay this time :P Anyway, this piece is a few months old. I was having some trouble sleeping, and looked out my window, and saw the moon. I got the inspiration for something in more of a dark mood. I also wanted to try a little more classical approach to this one. You might hear some influence from Kingdom Hearts in the beginning. It's short, but I hope you like it nonetheless. Nocturne n°1 EDIT: Changed the key from Bb Major to g minor, didn't see that one... Thanks, apocryphal_oboe!
  14. Thanks for all the comments, guys! I still have a lot to learn, and this really helps. :happy: About the 'pop' like part: I was first inspired by the Tales Of Symphonia Battle theme, which is what this piece started out as, a battle theme. But as I progressed, it changed into something different. This is also why I changed the left hand in the intro, so it would be more of a unit rather than different parts smashed together.
  15. I really like the melodies in this piece. The main thing to work on here is making the transitions smoother, like John pointed out. Emotionally, I'm not really getting the "samurai" feel. I would try using more oriental instruments, like koto, shakuchachi and the like.
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