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About benlunn

  • Birthday 10/20/1990

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  • Biography
    From Sunderland, will be studying at RWCMD in september 2010 to study composition
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  • Location
    Ramsgate ATM
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  1. Arvo Part and Henryk Gorecki have quite a fanclub compared to most modern composers and rightly so their music is beautiful
  2. Weirdly I find applauding can sometimes ruin the atmosphere for example clapping at the end of Arvo Part's Fur Alina for example would ruin it I feel. But generally I'd rather people went with how they felt because if they clap for the sake of clapping its a pointless gesture.
  3. I have to second the opinion I've heard those a lot around the UK and I haven't got to university yet
  4. I think a composer's place in society can't be defined because society itself isn't fixed so finding a universal place in society for a composer excepting composing is impossible to find
  5. I think as composers very rarely just compose in their lifestyle surely this would mean every composers' place in society is individual to the composer some will teach as well as compose some use their music for healing others will just write a banging tune
  6. I'd also advise as you go along study scores from a wide variety of genres and time periods because sticking to just beethoven may be very interesting but there is a lot more awesome music out there to read up.
  7. very good piece and well done for getting it performed well done.
  8. to be honest most composers that have experimented with electronics did it through out the piece so actually musique concrete could be your best option.
  9. I'll enter seen as I've now started a nice string trio.
  10. Look at some pieces from the school called Musique Concrete which is an artistic movement which combined normal sounds to the orchestra
  11. The Tao te Ching has some beautiful words in and from an art music approach I've written a vocal trio which is based on the texts of Psalme 117 and harmonically is based mostly on a Wholetone scale which sounds beautiful
  12. I'll judge or enter which ever you want me to do more
  13. With me my vocal works tend to take a more sacred approach so using Biblical reference or other spiritual references like Celtic blessings or aboriginal philosophy.
  14. in AQA they will be looking to see if you can deal with music theory so using dynamics, articulation, sensible range on the instruments, clever ensemble and standard chords for the key.
  15. To be honest I agree with John Cage's belief that music isn't just a form of communication there must be something more because if it was merely communication we'd use that as a primary way to communicate with each other what makes music different to normal speech.
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