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About jaime_B

  • Birthday 01/15/2010

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    BA and MA in music also studied comp at Phd level but dont let that make u think any less of me ;)
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  • Occupation
    Director/Tutor of Music School called Nu Notes

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  1. oh this is nice - sounds more galante than baroque like boccherini too in parts. i like it. it is a style-piece, a period music exercise it seems although in some moments there is a romantic breath to it, maybe because there is no harpsichord too, i get the sense it could be pastiche. tchaikovsky for example wrote a suite called Mozartiana that has string writing not entirely different... excellent part-writing yes. you must have studied string writing - well done.
  2. interesting combination - i like interesting combos. the vibraphone is a brilliant touch adding some delicate sparkle. some nice passages - like the contrapuntal bit after the 'tutti' opening - it sounds quite evocative so if you had more info to give a narrative it would be cool. i think you write nicely for the instruments. the return of the opening idea at around 2.15 is wonderful - more I listen of this the more I like it - the harmonies are quite jazz influenced too. well done ... real cool
  3. no worries ... i appreciate the reviews always :)i just had a defensive outburst ;) i listened again closely and i can see that the first section (A) has melodic fragments that sound very copy-pasted. Defo not organic music. I am not one for development in my stuff and maybe here it shows to be wanting more. I would really like more comments from others Thanks :)
  4. interesting - i have not done anything differently here than any other composition I wrote that you listened to before. Perhaps you find it overly repetitive? It is a simple A B A form but there are many ideas. And listening closely I think you realise the copy-paste sound is mostly superficial. Worse case it sounds like a Haydn minuet - a composer who of course would use copy-paste if it was around then. It has more detail than that. What about the harmony and rhtyhm used? I think it is good.. I mean trying to be objective about it lol :) Maybe I am feeling a bit bad from the criticism cos it took a lot of work and it buzzed me :) I think it is for example better than Little Henna or some of the early preludes. There is more detail here than the earlier stuff and I am writing more pianistically.. hmmmm.. thanks though I take it on board. And yes I don't develop, I never do ;) it is in sonata/minuet form - if such a thing exists but not easy to tell I know.
  5. people and animals are busy with their own lives it goes on
  6. interesting - i like this in some ways - the harmonies are weird, in a good way but the rate of change and and 'counterpoint' of the opening part and the regular beat - sounds like derranged Baroque somtimes the drum kit is a nice touch though bizaare. There are points I admit sound like some one throwing notes randomly all over the place (randomly tonal) is a curious creation but i think has within it the seeds of more J
  7. good title - i like titles that say something other than 'string trio in e minor' - just my own thing. so this is a good start for me. the very opening I thought... eek this is a bit too predictable but then when the strings come in your have these wonderful harmonic twists. You also have a very good way of changing the texture thru instrumentation that gives great balance. This sounds a little like Prokofiev when he was being Romantic and a little like a film score. I wanted to hear more... not even close to sleepin ;) J
  8. love it cos it is single-minded, it is simple without being dull and expressive without being oveer-the-top. I left a comment on your YouTube too. Good work :)I would buy a CD of this music without hesitating. Please post more.
  9. oh nice chords to open and like the rhythm is like kind of uneven in a cool way like a lullaby with a difference. Yup Hajime good title. It is tender and evocative - I like it - good work. The way you combine the 2 winds is nice - they sound beautiful together indeed don't they. Easy form to follow too which is a good thing. I like this... well done.
  10. This is fun yes and cool and you know exactly what you doin. The scalic passages are wonderful - sound octatonic or something. The piano part sounds pretty demanding too! I wonder if the piano isn't just a tad too over-the-top in that rapid repeated note bit. It sounds a bit too jittery some of the harmonies are wonderful - tonal but unpredictable - always a good combination. the soft part with the lyrical melody in oboe and the piano playing soft regular meter chords is a little uninteresting after all the excitement - I would consider some little ornaments to add spice. Some of the 'scurrying' soft passages are the best part of this piece the interplay is wonderful. This is a real show stopper theatrical piece that needs super players that wouldn't mess it up... good work
  11. jaime_B


    hello friends - ben the guy who never smiles and serge the one who uses every emoticon ever invented hihi. glad i dont have to judge composition competitions yet. this is really good ben, it is tight formally and makes gud use of timbre with gliss, registerally change and pizz keepin us on our toes in the opening. So important in semi-tonal string music. the second part is cool - hey i wud like it faster though - not all of it but some sections - push them. this kind of music that is pizz wud benefit from a few big bad bartok pizzicatti.. u use them? a bit of what sounded like mission impossible theme at one point, in fact that little theme is perhaps a wee bit overused? I don't know - maybe the faster section needs to be faster as I said or shorter altho around the 6 min mark the quiet pizz bit is fab all told it is very good work tho
  12. never say how fast you wrote something - it makes some people jealous and the others think it is not meaningful enough. I like this one - it is like Michael Nyman. The gliss is kinda weird in the violin as a main idea. Maybe it is too big a gliss. Maybe it is the midi but the upward one sounds nice and the downward one sounds too weird and out of place in what is fairly tight minimalism. Some nice rhythms in any case and changes of direction while maintainging a togetherness. not entirely sure i wud end it where u did... maybe sooner. it said what it needed to. i liked it anyway and good work ! remember that some of the best music comes in a flash so put it down yes - we not all beethoven's struggling to make the perfect music through revision and brain-wracking. I know I am not !
  13. this works well - it is interesting harmonically and etheric like debussy or ravel - those u say music like this is from the Ether. instrumentation is very nice. the snare got m by surprise in a good way! Keep up the good work
  14. again bad midi really makes it hard to get a good idea of. you need to invest in sibelius or something if u cud at all. we hear what sounds like a string orchestra for one thing... however I really like this music. It is cool. It breaks when it needs to give us a breather and otherwise it is wonderfully busy piece with hints of early schoenberg mixed with debussy. well done. id love to hear a real s.q. play it.
  15. oh yes true SSC but i not naming names ;) but i dont mean all academia the same - is not. anyway is made up of people and some are wonderfully supportive environments etc.
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