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About jhardindrums

  • Birthday 01/18/1992

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  1. Combat track I made for a WIP modification for Fallout: New Vegas. Not "Fallout-ish" in style, but neither is the mod :PThe track plays during combat within some metro tunnels(hence the name). Metro Firefight
  2. Awesome piece, I love hearing your work! And the Prague Philharmonic? Wow. Just wow. Being able to hear your work played by them must be a tremendous opportunity. I love being able to freely hear work done at such a high level. Thanks for posting your music!
  3. Something I wrote about a year ago, almost forgot I had it, then I pulled it up on my iPhone. Enjoy! J-Beat
  4. wow, that sound quality is superb. What program/plug-ins did you use for this? Great Job!
  5. oops, forgot to mention, Mixcraft 5 has a new notation feature, so If you prefer to write in notation as apposed to midi loops like in FL studio, you can do that, but Mixcraft 5's layout is about the same, quite easy to figure out.
  6. nice, i liked the rhythms going into there, you did manage to catch that somber feeling, and at the same time that 'free-flowing' feel. My only thing was the ending, it just seemed abrupt and left off, but then again, ending the song always seems to be the hardest part, cause you never know exactly what you want to do. As for programs, I personally use Acoustica Mixcraft 5, you'd have to dish out 70.00 US Dollars for the program if you don't want any 'ad's' from Acoustica asking to buy their product after 14 days, but overall, I think the program is well worth the price, actually I believe it might be heavily underpriced.
  7. wow, that beginning was really creepy, i loved how you did the instrumentation there, with the glissandos and the bowstring on the gong. which program and plugins where you using by the way? i've been looking for ever for those type of effects. and the brass sounded very real. my only complaint was that is was too short, i think you could have gone somewhere nice with it.
  8. You should look into the Assassin's Creed 2 soundtrack, those tracks have Renaissance styled themes in theme, or just look up Renaissance music in general, as alot of 'Venetian' music was popular during that time period. good track though!
  9. I'm using Mixcraft from Acoustica, with various instruments from different DSK Plugins. Thanks for the comment!
  10. Spent about three weeks on this, yet couldn't think of a name for it:/ Kind of started of as something Space-like and then grew into something more. Enjoy! Untitled Composition
  11. good job! though the area about 2:00 - 2:20 seemed kind of odd with the new progression in it. but overall good job.
  12. currently, my favorite music has been the Mass Effect 2 soundtrack. I largely enjoy Game OST's:)
  13. at :20 - :30, loved the mallet swirls(that's just what i call them lol) in the background. I've always wondered how to recreate those, haven't figured it out yet. But great song!
  14. A piece I wrote, inspired by the song 'Humans Are Disappearing' from the Mass Effect 2 Soundtrack. Constructive criticism appreciated! Solace
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