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About PianoOnWheels

  • Birthday 02/28/1997

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  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale PrintMusic, Garritan Personal Orchestra
  • Instruments Played
    Ocarina, Piano

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  1. The melody seems to wander around a bit, not really going anywhere, but it's certainly pretty. That section in the middle with just the violins is quite nice. Also, the whole notes at the very end are nice too, but the piece seems to cut off rather awkwardly and shyly with out having reached any sort of climactic moment. Overall, I'd say it's good work, but it seems sort of unfinished.
  2. This a neat little piece. It has an interesting Baroque-meets-Gypsy feel to it. The variations were good, especially that last one with the mordents, but I found it a bit tedious hearing the same piano bridge between each one. Perhaps you could change them up a bit to fit the next variation or, preferably, make each one completely different. Keep it up! PoW
  3. It was a comedy...with 10 year olds in pivotal roles. So it was the kind of play that didn't exactly make you laugh but just kinda chuckle. XD Thanks for the comment. PoW
  4. A piece I wrote as an overture to a "school" play I was in, also my first serious (well, relatively serious, at least) orchestral piece. Short for an overture, but the play wasn't even an hour long.Also, I DO plan on cleaning up the score, so please ignore any hanging tidbits. I am fixing them. New Clothes, Same Old Lie - Overture
  5. ...I haven't heard anything like this in a loooong time. I went in expecting something great, and instead found something incredible. Truly. Incredible. I applaud your efforts, you truly have potential. PoW
  6. A nice, if simple, little cue. It brings images from How To Train Your Dragon to mind. The arpeggios in the strings and the majestic horns especially add to the feeling of soaring over some fantasy land. The little flute interjections make me think of a griffin bellowing/roaring/whatever-sound-griffins-make-ing. Not a whole lot to comment on, but it works and it works quite well. :) PoW
  7. Well, it's very short with very little substance, not much to comment on. That and I've heard the main phrase somewhere before, so it isn't particularly original either. I recommend developing it a little bit more, maybe adding a quirky melody for an oboe or a clarinet on top of the phrase you already have. As of now, there just isn't enough to comment on. PoW
  8. I'm sorry, what do you mean by G-D? Are you referring to the keys or chord progressions? Ah, thanks about the div., I wasn't aware of that. And I should have thought about the .pdf, I've added it now. But yeah, thanks for looking it over! In response to your edit: Lol, your vision is fine. I just now added it. XD PoW
  9. Hullo, This is my first serious orchestral work (hopefully that's not too dreadfully apparent =/) and while it's still unfinished, I was looking to see if I could get comments from fellow composers on the playability of the piece; if my instruments are in bad ranges, if there are technical flaws, and if it's actually playable without major injury on the part of the performers. The one thing I've noticed that perhaps the oboes should be moved an octave down... I've read all I've found online on the subject of orchestra writing, but I'd imagine talking to other composers with experience would be beneficial. .mus, .pdf, & .mid files are attached. Thanks for your time, PoW New Clothes, Same Old Lie - Overture.mus New Clothes, Same Old Lie - Overture.mid New Clothes, Same Old Lie - Overture.pdf
  10. It sounds pretty great, especially for free. First time using a .torrent file as well, let's see how this goes... PoW
  11. While this is good work, it seems a bit melodramtic for a horror film. That and the horror film is kind of melodramatic by itself... The music sounds more fitting for, say, a plane crash or more action-film type chase scene, what with the percussion and frantic strings. I would think something that stays somewhat subtle at first, but slowly builds tension through use of unsettling noises (broken or stabbing violins seem to be popular)and repetition that suddenly breaks from the norm would be more fitting for horror. But as I said, the music itself is good, it just doesn't really scream sound like horror. PoW
  12. Percussion has been changed as per suggestion. PoW
  13. This piece sort of reminds me of the World of Goo soundtrack, in takes the first two chords from a very familiar chord progression but changing the chords up so it doesn't become generic. Which I think is a good thing. It keeps the listeners on their toes. While the piece certainly suits the mystical mood, it does seem a little too simple. Perhaps a flute or an oboe hovering above playing an equally mystical melody would make it just a little more interesting and memorable as the constant arpeggios alone just seem like "pretty" music. Anyways, keep up the good work. - 7/10 PoW
  14. Bach's works are no longer under copyright, thus in the public domain so it is legal. :) They tracks all sound quite nice, your use of percussion is fun and each track creates a great atmosphere, immediately bringing to mind the era of time you had in mind, my personal favorite being "On Edge." Though I will say that "Pirating Music"'s melody sounds quite a bit like a motif from Pirates of the Caribbean 2. The first half of the phrase is exactly the same. Maybe it was intentional, but I thought I should point it out.Keep up the great work, POW
  15. A piece written for oboe, violin, cello...and tambourine. Meant to be game music, so there's not much of an ending so it can loop more easily.What images does it bring to mind?Oboe Trio No. 1 Oboe Trio No. 1
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