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guitarplaya1990 last won the day on July 4 2011

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About guitarplaya1990

  • Birthday 01/22/1990

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  • My Compositional Styles
    Soundtrack, Electronic, Cinematic
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Acoustica Mixcraft
  • Instruments Played
    Guitar, Piano, Drums

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  1. Wow nimrodia, thanks for the praise! I didn't think anyone would like it THAT much. I'm glad you really enjoyed it!
  2. Thanks for the positive feedback! Unfortunately I do not have a score to accompany this file. It was written entirely in a piano roll view. I don't reallyhave any training in notating music. If it helps I could send a MIDI file on request to anyone who wants. Those can be imported into notation programs correct? So if you want the MIDI file I will be happy to email it to you if you message me your email. Thanks for the encouragement both of you! I am glad you like the piece and good luck with your own!
  3. Wow. I really like this. There is a great mix between high intensity, quick, staccato sections and slow, melodic sections. It keeps things interesting throughout. I am really jealous of these sounds. Great piece of work. Thanks for sharing!
  4. There are a lot of interesting things going on here. I like all of the various little subtleties you have complimenting the main parts throughout the song. Very nice attention to detail. The main melody is interesting. It has a very odd and unique feel to it in a good way. It certainly a piece that makes me extra aware how much much i have to learn as far as orchestration goes.
  5. This is my most recently completed composition, however, I started this way too long ago. This piece was a bit different than anything else I have worked on. It has a much more simplistic foundation than I am used too. I quickly found out that simple does not equal easy. I ended up putting the piece away unfinished for months because i could not figure out how to keep the emotional feeling of the piece going without it becoming too repetitive. After many months at a dead end, i finally broke through the barrier and finished the piece. I am not sure if it is exactly what I wanted out of it, but I am at least somewhat satisfied with the result.comments and constructive criticism are encouraged! Guardian Angel
  6. In the event that you are NOT trolling, I do have something to say. Being a psychology major as well as a magician, I know a fair share about the effects of influence through subliminal messages, NLP, and hypnotism. Enough to tell you that this wont work. You can influence the decisions that people make to an extent, but you can not take away free will, especially for an extended period of time as this experiment seems to require. Second, your view of women is extremely chauvinistic. You have clearly expressed your view of women as inferior to yourself and your music, which I can not disagree with you more on. I really can't think of how else to express my discontent, but others have already done enough.
  7. I really like the percussion that comes in at around :37. I wish i had repeated a few more times before cutting out, it was a really catchy feel. The part at 1:06 where everything stops kind of caught me off guard. I expected it to immediately escalate into a more intense version of the previous beat, but it did the exact opposite with a prolonged silence and back to the solo melody. I think the full on percussion is the strong point and should be given more time to shine.
  8. i'm impressed! I really like the development when the key changes and the slow horn melody comes in at 0:44
  9. Very intense. I really like the deep bass note that plays every couple of measures, it really adds a lot to the feel.
  10. The piano intro is really beautiful!
  11. I like a lot of the sounds in this, especially the string work. The backing strings at about 2min were really nice. What libraries did you use for these? The only criticism I have is that the ending horn melody before the fade out was slightly confusing to my ears. The timing felt just a little off, which seemed intentional, but made it a little difficult to determine what the feel was. Everything else was great.
  12. You always have so much emotion in your works. very nice.
  13. Wow, that was really great! What instruments did you use starting at 0:30 for the background rhythm? I really like the building intensity. At about the 1:00 mark i felt that there should have been something more to make it sound more full. But thats just me. great work.
  14. Thanks! Well my biggest influence in the metal genre is Dream Theater. They are by far my all time favorite musicians. No doubt some of this song was inspired by their work.
  15. This is something I wrote a while back when I used to be in a progressive metal band. The style may be a little heavy for some listeners, but it was also meant to be compositionally interesting. My inspiration when writing this style of music is to challenge my technical abilities. I created my own scale for this composition that i could not find a name for anywhere (The scale is D- E - F - G# - A - A# - C#). And i made use of various time signatures. Sorry if it seems a bit long, but that is how progressive songs tend to be. This song was intended to have a vocal track, but the band broke up before we were ever able to get a singer, and therefore never wrote any vocal melodies. But i think the song sounds fine as an instrumental. Excuse some of the sound quality and glitches. This was written in Guitar Pro, and there is very limited control over the way instruments sound and are played back. Some slight clipping occurs near the end with the cymbals, but its minor.I am just wondering what you think of the compositional aspects of it.Thanks! Eternal War
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