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DorbyBorby last won the day on July 19 2010

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About DorbyBorby

  • Birthday 12/21/1995

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  1. Working with 5 game projects at the moment. This all happened way fast :)

  2. I just bought East West Symphonic Orchestra. It is amazing, sounds near identical to an actual orchestra with the right tweaking.
  3. My song is on the, "YC is talking about -insert song here-" That made my day...hahaha :D

  4. So...you got a really enjoyable song here. Then...you got the idea of bunny rabbits sleeping over and bouncing all around with super happy faces as they fly up in the sky to the song, and honestly...you end up laughing your butt off. Then at 1:50 I imagine a poor bunny who is missing out on the fun due to his injured leg as he sits there...staring at the other bunnies who hop in joy. At 2:20 I imagine another bunny coming and helping him join the bunnies. You made me go from laughing my butt off, to feeling incredibly sad, to unbelievably touched, and all this is from imagining a song with bunnies who have a sleepover. I don't have any words to describe what that feels like. Now...the theme itself is actually really addicting. I enjoyed this song immensely...congrats. You made my love a song about rabbits xD Great job!
  5. Something you seem to do a lot that I considerably enjoy is very present in this piece. I notice, you enjoy switching from major to minor x) Many good things going on in this. You have a great sense of variety with the themes. As well as playing style, and it keeps the song interesting and enjoyable to listen to. Now, back to the major and minor ideas. GREAT way to express the title of the song. You got the feeling of love in one hand, yet the feeling of the rejection in another. I also heavily enjoy the main theme established at the beginning of the song and how you weave it in throughout the piece. Honestly, I couldn't think of anything really to be improved on. Great piece Zach, definitely something to be proud of
  6. Hey Daniel, glad you enjoyed it! Interesting as I read your comments and Serge's. I debated a lot over what to do regarding the vocals. I considered everything trust me haha, but this seemed the best in my opinion. The chorus has that gritty feel to it that needs the rough voice. I am glad you enjoyed the change at 3:25 Once again, that was a decision that I thought about a lot. I kept wondering if I should do it or not, but apparently it was a great decision based off what people tell me Serge, I swear, your opinions on my songs make my day xD I don't want to sound full of it or anything, I simply share my opinion that this is probably as you said, the strongest vocal performance I gave I believe I found the key to doing that as well. I have one headphone on, so I get that feeling that the music is really there and I can easily get into it, and one headphone isn't on, so that it allows me to stay a lot more in tune. Ya know, I am glad you feel the gravelly-ness wasn't forced. I often will joke around with people and play around with MANY voices haha. I have done that one before and I thought, that actually might work for a song...so I will give it a shot. Glad you felt it worked Really glad you enjoyed the music itself as well! I always make that first, so good to know it is well received. The lyrics took forever to write haha. Also, I am definitely not a fan of fade outs, so luckily you will NEVER hear one from me haha xD Thanks for sharing your opinion on the song -Matt
  7. Thank you Soaknit!! Funny thing, I actually feel the same. When I made the song, I completely imagined a stop motion video accompanying it, so that means a lot Thank you x)
  8. Hey guys!So...here is a more true rock song as opposed to my alternative ones.This was something really new and fun to do for me, vocal wise.Yes, it is me singing too. For anyone who has heard my other songs that I sing, for I sound considerably different here x)The song has resorted to slightly cliche love type lyrics. Mine of course, need to be a bit deeper :]Basically, the meaning behind the song is a guy who will fall in love with a girl, yet the moment she returns the love, he runs from it. He is afraid of commitment. Anyway, hope you enjoy the song. I enjoyed making it :DLyrics:Boy don’t you understand your game?You made your own special rules, so who’s to blame?You always try to be the best you canThen when they would come to you, you ran-Chorus-You want to work without getting any dirtYou want to feel love without feeling any hurtBut ya can’tYeah boy, you know you can’tYou want to play with fire without getting burnedYou want to have it easy, and so you’ve learnedThat ya can’tOh boy, you know you can’t-End Chorus-You tried to do your bestWhile others would sit and restThen when you thought you would winThe prize went to those who would sinYou tried, you tried, you tried, you triedOh boy, oh lord, you could have died-Chorus-You’re a millionaire in the heartWho won’t give out his promised shareYeah he won’t keep his end of the dealYou won’t jump in that river boy, you won’t work without getting dirt, you won’t hold fire without getting burned You won’t feel love without feeling hurt, you won’t feel love without feeling hurt Millionaire in the Heart
  9. Being a fellow writer who tried to imitate the feeling of star gazing...I felt it reasonable for me to listen to this haha Now, as you know, I am not the guy who will give you all these musical terms and know everything to say about a piece. My reviews are more of an audience listen that will say what things will help listeners enjoy more, not what makes them more musically well done. With that being said, you thoroughly kept me interested throughout the piece! It is so interesting how your keys are going from beautiful melodies and then adding minor sounds. It can considerably relate to actual star gazing, as a comment you gave me actually that the stars are so beautiful that it even hurts you inside to look. Your song is describing those emotions, that the stars are so awe inspiring yet also somewhat paining. I just love how the melodies go if you haven't got the picture yet hahahaha x) Personally, I enjoyed 2:15. I think it was a great way to give the song some variation while keeping in a great melody. The end was very well done as well when it returns to the original theme. All in all, from just a listener looking to enjoy a piece, I heavily loved this Definitely great work with this. -Matt
  10. Thanks Serge!! I can always count on you haha I take your opening comments to heart, it means a lot. I definitely try to stand out from the crowd and admittedly my lyric ideas will come after the song is made. I wrote this song intending for a mix of alternative and pop so looks like I succeeded! When I finished it, I sat there thinking...lord, what do I make this about?? Haha x) I always struggle most with the lyrics. So I looked around my room, and I saw this snowman on my shelf. As I listened to the song, I knew what it would be about As you may be able to tell, I am experimenting with the different genres, so this song was meant as pop to an extent. I tried to use less common yet still chord progressions that have been used. I also added in some techno type instruments to help give it that feel. Hopefully though, all my songs even though they range from pop to rock to alternative to crazy insane things haha, that I have something that makes them all string together. Anyway, thanks again Your comments always make my day haha. Means a lot, thank you
  11. Thanks John! Took your comments to heart. Added a bit more drum fills, and made certain instruments quiter and others louder. Helped a lot to do that. Thank you for commenting!
  12. Hey guys!Alright, latest song I wrote this weekend. It is sort of a ballad in the form of alternative music. So, not really rock but oh well.The song will indeed have lyrics later and it will tell a story. I was going for a lighthearted feel with this, and the song is a metaphor for other things however it is told in a friendly matter.It is about a family of snowmen who get separated. It follows the father as he searches for his family. Towards the end he finds them, however the sun has come out and they will melt soon. They are not afraid though, they are simply happy to be together again. They gather together, hug, and embrace the sunlight.So it is basically a song about how we will go miles for our loved ones, and that family is what truly matters.I look forward to adding the lyrics and this was a fun song to write, hope you enjoy the instrumental :)BTW...when I made the song into an MP3, it did not mix down all my drum fills, so a couple are missing where they need to be. I will have that fixed for the final version with vocals. Snowmen in the Summer
  13. Haven't been on here for a while, haven't written a song either. That spree broke today x)

  14. Haven't been on here for a while, haven't written a song either. That spree broke today x)

  15. Heylo guys! Long long time since I have uploaded on here or even got on haha. I took a break from writing music, wanted to work on my playing skills and just enjoy listening to music for a while. However, I broke the trend today and wrote out this piece. It is designed either for a video game battle, final battle preferably. Or possibly a movie scene. Anyway, I just wanted to have fun with it, and I most certainly did. I used a lot of themes I have been playing with, so it was a joy to combine them x)Hope you enjoy! We Might Need Backup
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