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About NickKarr

  • Birthday 05/10/1994

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  1. okay really??? who the hell rated this a 55% ????? thats just someone being an donkey hole. come on...
  2. well guys thanks for the comments., but somthing you gotta understand is that this written to be a stand tune. no a compotition peice. ill take your advice and thanks again!!
  3. Black eyed Peas For marching Band. enjoy! I Gotta Feeling Marching Band
  4. yeah its me playing and thanks!
  5. This dosent really fit with anything im doing right now, but this is what i "accidentally" start doing every year in band... This is a piano cover of Jay Bocook's concert band song "At Dawn They Slept (December 7, 1941)"... hard to play by ear but fun to learn!! At Dawn They Slept- Piano cover
  6. thanks! and i might be able to get a performance. i showed my old version to my band director like 3 weeks ago, and he told me if i added percussion and fixed up the rough edges we might play it. im not sure if you know, but is the horn and sax notation better? i completely scraped them after the first one and started over. and i was going back and forth with the the fade out at N. still gonna play with it some more, but thanks for the comment!
  7. FINALLY DONE!!!!! so this is it, tell me your thoughts! Flute(picc.), Oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto, tenor, bassoon, f Horn, trumpet trombone, baritone( T.C), Tuba, Snare, Toms, bells, Perc 1, Perc, 2 (there are wind chime notes but because finale dosnt have wind chimes, i had to use slap stick. for the Mp3 i took it out) "As Morning Breaks" FINAL
  8. Sorry, i just need some help... i dont exactly know what the limitations of the instruments because Finalle doesnt puts limits on them. Hell, i could go 50 lines above the staff if i wanted. i Just need to learn this stuff. and when it comes to percussion, i just dont know.. its hard to just start to write percussion when you have no background in it what so ever. It will most likely Auxiliary percussion with snare and bass drum. i plan to put wind chimes at the beginning, but i have no idea how to write it in.. So if any one out there knows i would be much obliged if you would tell me. Thanks for the comments, as i hope to major in composition in college, any input helps a lot. -Nick
  9. Finally!!! its not done by far but this is some progress of my latest work... Enjoy! As Morning Breaks
  10. some one wanted the score.
  11. listen this a scraped version. it watered down. i didnt destroy my percussion i never wrote it... the other version was a concept. played on my yamaha keybord recorded onto a mixer. im new to the so chill im working on it.
  12. Thanks for the advice i will try to fix that kinda stuff but its really hard to multi task if you know what i mean.
  13. this has the score and has a different ending.. i was a little lazing in the ending so i just made a new one. "The uplift" alternate version
  14. haha yeah the original has percusion for only like hmmm, 15 messures? and it a random hip hop beat... really random so i didnt put any in. and i play clarinet and i have no experience with percussion notation.
  15. this is an arrangement of kissing in the rain by patrick doyle from the movie "great expectations"... this is for a small concert band, mabey like a church band. "Kissing in the Rain"
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