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bkho last won the day on June 1

bkho had the most liked content!

About bkho

  • Birthday June 8

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm a neurologist that practices in the Boston area who loves to write music in his spare time. I played the violin and viola growing up and loved playing in orchestras. I was a music major in college.
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  • Interests
    Music, Reading
  • Favorite Composers
    Beethoven, Brahms, Bach, Dvorak, Mahler, Bruckner
  • My Compositional Styles
    Tonal with influences from Baroque, Classical, and Romantic styles
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale 2014
  • Instruments Played
    Violin, Viola

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bkho's Achievements


Experienced (11/15)

  • Young Composers Nerd Rare
  • Favorite Castlevania Banger - "From Bits to Bangers" Rare
  • Participant Award - "From Bits to Bangers" Rare
  • Dedicated Rare
  • Steadfast Reactor Rare

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  1. Man this sucks. I have been a loyal Finale user since college (which is a long time in my case). How is Dorico? I suppose I probably should get it with the discount offered but wondered what the learning curve is.
  2. Such a beautiful work, I can tell you put your heart and soul in this piece. Congratulations! Slava Ukraini!
  3. This is wonderful and I love the vocal rendering. I'll have to check out this website!
  4. Wonderful, reminds me of early Beethoven. No comments other than my sincere admiration.
  5. Again, always great to hear actual performances of compositions. Reminds me of Alkan's Rondo Toccata from, his Op. 76 which similarly is a very fast movement where both hands play almost identical notes but two octaves apart.
  6. A beautiful performance of a lovely prelude. Congrats to both the composer and performer!
  7. He is not my favorite composer but I love the opening to Mahler's Symphony #5.
  8. Congrats on the live performance! Your entry was fantastic, just the bar was so high.
  9. Much appreciated. I definitely could have expanded more and used more pizz among other textures. I initially had though about writing a tone poem for full orchestra but only had about 2 weeks or so to come up with something and considering the time crunch, I was fairly happy with the result.
  10. Hi all, This was my submission for the "Bits to Bangers" contest. Though I was only aware of the contest pretty late, when I saw that the Castlevania 2 theme was one of the options, I knew I had to give it shot since it was one of my favorite games from the Nintendo era and I loved the music from that game in particular. Because of time constraints, I didn't do as much with the theme as I would have liked and was admittedly pretty conservative with it and couldn't compare with the excellent submissions from the other competitors but it was a lot of fun to come up with something!
  11. Congratulations to all the entrants, they were outstanding and I learned a lot from all of you. A hearty congratulations to all the winners and most of all, thank you to the judges who clearly took a great deal of time to listen and provide constructive feedback to each submission.
  12. There is a lot of truth to what you are saying. I do think the attention span of younger generations is getting shorter which is particularly bad when it comes to music. Everything is accessible instantly and it is easy to move on to the next thing if they are not instantly drawn into it. As you said, covers and remixes of familiar music does tend to draw more listeners than original music though there can be exceptions. Until recently, my most listened piece on my youtube channel was a brass quintet arrangement of a Star Wars theme that I did for my brother when he wanted it played at his wedding many years ago, so no surprised it got a lot of views and I admit, I have scattered a few other arrangements/covers within what is mostly original music to try to attract more viewer who then I hope will stick around to listen to my original music. And I think this does work; kind of out of the blue, an organ arrangement of one of my original choral works suddenly rocketed up to being my most viewed and is on the verge of being the most listened piece on my channel just within a couple years so I guess it is still possible sometimes to strike the right chord in people.
  13. I definitely know what you mean. Sometimes it flows so easily that the music almost writes itself. Sadly, this is very rare for me and most of the time its a struggle.
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