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melodicSmiley last won the day on March 20 2010

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About melodicSmiley

  • Birthday 03/02/1997

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  • Gender
  • Favorite Composers
    John Williams, Ennio Morricone, Beethoven, Mike Morasky
  • My Compositional Styles
    Game and Film Scores, Contemporary
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale PrintMusic 2011
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Saxaphone, Guitar

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  1. Thanks Marius. Does the new software allow custom skins? Maybe we should find a member who is willing to make a better look for this forum.
  2. I have the latest version of adobe flash player, but none of the media on this site seems to be playing. :mellow:
  3. Ok, I know I haven't posted in a LONG time (Very busy with a giant writers block). But since then, I've learn how to use VSTs with my version of Finale and I want to see how it works out. I decided to go out of my element and create something synthesized since I found a really cool synth VST. I honestly don't have much experience with this type of music, but I would like to hear what people have to say about this attempt.-I used Finale PrintMusic 2011 and Synth1 for this piece. Datawave
  4. Hello, I've been asked a couple times to get better quality midis, but I don't want to get a whole different program if I don't have to. I haven't found much information on if my version of Finale (Finale PrintMusic 2011) can change the default midis. If it can, I would also like to know to chang it, and where I could get a decent midi library to switch it with. Thanks in advance if anybody can help me with this.
  5. Yep, great fantasy feel to it. You really captured "flight and adventure" with this piece.
  6. Sounds pretty epic :happy: Defininetly sounds like some kind of war or something is going on, but it really could fit in anything, be it film or video game. The movements fitted together very well, and the whole piece seemed to flow naturally (a major thing I have problems with). I would definetly like to hear what else you can compose.
  7. This does give a bit of an "uprising" feel, as in a large rebelion outside gathering for an epic battle. I would definetly like to hear how this would sound live.
  8. This sounds really cool. I agree with kevin_w. I could definetily see this showing in some sort of RPG.
  9. Being a level 5 in CMEA, I bet level 9 will give you more than enough theory for composition (they teach you it for a reason :happy: ). Just try making a couple things on the piano in your piano in your free time and see if you enjoy it. It also helps a lot to post compositions on this website as you almost always get good feedback.
  10. Like other people have said. It depends whether you interpret the music as emotional, logical, or a mixture of both. I think SCC made a great example with music being a language. Different music styles could be separate diolouges that can be so different it becomes confusing. In language, things like sarcasm and humor can completely send an unintended message. It's possible for someone to miss a seemingly clear emotional overtone. So, like in languages, you have to be as clear as possible to expect every listener to hear your message. Sometime, however, it might be better to let the listener connect the blocks himself...
  11. :happy: Great overturing piece, I'm the game developers are definetly lucky to have you. The whole soung sounded great and the orchestration you chose was spot on!
  12. :happy: Nice work, Ian. You really captured the good ol' 1910's in this piece. :cool:
  13. Yeah, I agree that it sounds like one of the older Final Fantasy games. It sounds really good, alessandrogozzo. It has a great range and gives a great "epic" feeling. :happy:
  14. Ok, so I haven't posted something worth while in quite some time, so I hope you like this piece.This is suppose to be one of the backround music for the Maurauders, a faction in a game that I'm thinking about called "After" (Not anywhere near development, no recources, personel, or money.) Please enjoy and comment. I finally decided to try the trial for FinaleAllegro 2007. It works a little better than Songwriter, so I'm thinking about it. Maurauders
  15. Ok, so I'm sadly using a very dated version of Finale. (2007 and SongWriter; a dinosaur in software terms.) I really would like to replace the default instruments with better sounding ones but I've reached a roadblock. I would like to know the following: -Can you even switch the instruments in songwriter 2007? Most finale information is almost always on finale itself, so I'm starting to wonder if I can. -How do you switch the midi instruments? I've looked in the midi setup, but other than that I don't know where I'm suppose to go to change it. -Is there a free, good sounding library that works with songwriter? I'm not able to spend much money now, so is there even sounds I could access that would work with my program. Thanks in advance if you can help! I just want to sound up to par with the rest of the community.
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