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About ~Jeneca~

  • Birthday 03/29/1992

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  1. ~Jeneca~

    Pie Jesu

    ok all i wanna say is tht i just did it 4 fun and i kinda figured tht it wudnt get in2 solo/ensemble. but it wuz just a lot of fun just tryin 2 compose sumthin thts so beautiful and not everything is perfect i already no this. Im still new here and this is only my 2nd piece tht ive finished so dont take things so hard ok? im sick and tired of ppl just tearin me down when i practically just started. im not sayin tht i cant take constructive criticism cuz i can but like i said i just started and ur completely ripping apart my piece bit by bit. it brings my esteem down a LOT. So plz just dont be so harsh k? thts all i ask 4.
  2. ~Jeneca~

    Pie Jesu

    thak u so much 4 ur comment siwi, but i wuz looking at an a-capella choir piece of music so i wuz basing instruments with the same voice parts so my horns r using the alto parts while the trumpets have soprano/alto parts, the tombones r my tenors and bass trombone and tuba r my basses and in the music they split a lot, so thts y the basses r playing almost the same thing and the horns r in such a high range wuz because it didnt sound rite 2 me or the music so thts y i did it. but i do appreciate the comments from every1 and i hope 2 present this as a lil bit of a better piece 2 solo/ensemble ^_^
  3. ~Jeneca~

    Pie Jesu

    oh well idc, it doesnt really matter if i can break them or not itll still sound the same either way. also, im definitely gonna take nicks advice and put in more articulation and other markings and submit 2 solo/ensemble and no1 is gonna stop me!
  4. ~Jeneca~

    Pie Jesu

    In Sibelius u cant break the eith note bars apart ive tried and it simply wont work so thts y i have the eith notes the way they are. I hope i can use this piece(with a lil more work im sure) and submit it 2 solo/ensemble 4 brass choir. At first it wuz just 4 fun but now that i think about it, it wud be an amazing piece 2 play in solo/ensemble and im sure 2 get great results with enough practice of course
  5. I absolutely loooved this piece This piece reminded me of either an english carnival back in England or and English fight scene! Keep up the good work, I do have to admit tho that the bass clarinet is a little too low, but its still amazing work as usual....i wish i cud compose like u sometimes. Keep up the good work!
  6. ~Jeneca~

    Pie Jesu

    This piece is also in dedication to my dad. The person that wrote this piece wrote it for his father just three years after his passing to show that he loves him. That's why I transposed this piece to my dad, to show that I care about him and that I love him very much. Enjoy ^_^
  7. ~Jeneca~

    Pie Jesu

    Since I'm in A-Capella choir at my school, we were given this song to sing for our next concert. I have arranged it (or rather, transposed) for 2 Horns, 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones, 1 Bass Trombone, 1 Tuba. I am very pleased with the outcome! Pie Jesu
  8. i really liked this piece, and it wuz nice 4 his memory. if he wuz still here, he wudve loved it. i do agree with the frematas, i didnt quite understand y u put them there. other than tht, nicely done.
  9. That sounded really cool to me. maybe make it a tad bit longer and more dramatic and it would be super cool. Then again, I'm a noob so I dont think you should take my advice. But i think it was still cool^_^
  10. thnx nick, im very proud of this composition. and thnx 4 helpin me a LITTLE bit
  11. i dont know, i just put tht on there. It can be both
  12. This is my first composition. Written for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, trumpet, violin, and viola. Hope you enjoy ^_^ Dance of the Celtic Fairies
  13. ~Jeneca~

    Gaelic Passages

    i still think its awesome, good job
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