This suite for wind ensemble, projected at 4 or 5 movements, is about the stars- power, wonder, majesty, resilience, etcetera. So, can I get some feedback on what I have so far? I need help on the second movement more than the first (I have material for the last two/three on paper somewhere, just not punched into the computer yet). It's very incomplete.
1 picc, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 1 Eb clar, 3 Bb clars, 2 bass clars, 1 contrabass clar, 2 alto sax, 1 tenor, 1 bari, 3 trumpets, 4 F horns, 3 trombones (3rd opt bass), 1 euphonium, 2 tubas, too many percussion, and 4 crystal glass players on 10 glasses (this could expand).
I'm particularly bad at writing trumpet parts, I think. That and percussion mapping- this might take a few players- like, 9 or 10 or 20 if I'm not careful :P
By the way, pay no mind to the key on the first movement, the band I'm writing for could do it just fine.
Thanks for listening!
Ursa, a Poet.pdf
Ursa, a Poet.mp3