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Andrew Baldwin

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About Andrew Baldwin

  • Birthday November 15

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  • Biography
    Composition student at the New Zealand School of Music. Freelance Copyist.
  • Location
    Wellington, New Zealand
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  • Interests
    Composition & Choral Singing

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  1. I agree with aerlinndan, at times this piece stayed on the "dominant" far too long - the trouble with this is that the listener is expected the tonic and a delay of this length seems out of place. I also thought that the harmonic motion was rather "random" at times, the chords you changed to in places did not fit at all - for example where you stay on the bmaj7th chord and then suddenly the theme is re-introduced in B-flat!!! this sounds very bizarre to my ears. rhythmically 'tis a little boring too!! (all the same) i won't comment on originality as i fear it might cause an argument. So i'll leave it at that. Thanks for posting. Andrew
  2. sure, there may be influences of Rachmaninoff & Debussy. But i would hesitate to say that these influences "consume" the piece & make it unoriginal! There are harmonies in this piece which would not be found in Debussy or Rach. However, i do agree with your thoughts about it being more of a "romance with little conflict between the piano and the orchestra". And, i'm happy with that. In fact, that may be what this concerto becomes eventually.
  3. how do you guys do these?! *feels depressed*
  4. sorry to bring up an old thread! I absoloutely adore Duruflé's works. I was told by a friend that the Duruflé was very ciritcal of his own compositions, and many of them he destroyed (burned them) because he thought them unfit. This makes me so sad... to think of what we are missing out on! The Requiem is so divine.... especially the "Domine Jesu Christe".
  5. ... and a score, for those who are interested... Toccatina Score
  6. Hi Guys This is something i wrote last year for a university assignment. The idea of the assignment was to gradually introduce pitches over a period of time (although we were given a max duration of 2 mins). We were given 6 pitches by our composition teacher on which to base the piece (only these 6 pitches are used throughout the entire piece.) My 6 pitches were: B, C, D-flat, E-flat, E & F the result is rather interesting. Enjoy! Andrew :P 08.03.05.mid
  7. thanks Mr.Schröter & Nico for your comments. The "Respiratory" problem (hehe) is my greatest challenge with writing piano music. Nevermind. I guess i'll get better with experience.
  8. i don't know how long it will be until i write a third movement.... or if i do at all. My style has changed so much since i began this piece!
  9. I really enjoyed this piece too. I think it is a very fine work, one that a pianist can learn a lot from. I especially liked the first movement, although the 3rd movement i also found very enjoyable (i heard some influences of Frank Bridge, and some jazz!) If you ever have it performed please post a live recording :)
  10. leightwing, i'm guilty of writing impossible things too, i mean, take a look at my Piano Impromptu: http://www.music-scores.com/composer/andrew.php it's pretty evil. Although i did have someone e-mail me saying they learnt it and it took hours!
  11. I Love this piece. we sing it in my cathedral choir. :(
  12. Hi there This work suits organ rather well, however texturally not very inventive - a lot of full organ with no registeral changes. I enjoyed the harmonic progressions, some of them however were a bit predictable. Nice Work! Didn't sound like an Evil Genius playing the organ to me though :)
  13. thanks for your comments, there's a lot i can take from them! :o
  14. YAY! it works!! OK johannhowitzer, here's the improved MIDI! :closedeyes: SW2.mid
  15. i think it got this MIDI going... just a sec...
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