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  1. Song scared the hell out of me, I'm not joking. I nearly got out my nine millimeter right then and there. [/failed joke]
  2. I quite like it, but the lowest notes played should be varied a bit, because I can single that out really easily, and sometimes I expect there to be a melody there. It's very good for me to listen to, but make the transition from end to the beginning (in a loop) more smooth.
  3. Dear God, post MIDIs.
  4. Again, forgot attachment. Shoot me. Flute Interlude.mid
  5. I don't know what the hell an interlude is. Experiments covered: 1. Extremely short theme piece 2. Modified theme 3. Speed composing
  6. Forgot attachment like a jackass. Graceful Speed.mid
  7. Title again sucks. Same comments as last piece. Experiments covered: 1. New drumline 2. "Amateur band" + flute. 3. First "guitar solo".
  8. As said, title sucks. I can't title anything for my life, and "Untitled" is more cliched than cliche itself. Repetitive as always, but I like it and I find it to be a good listening piece. Experiments integrated into piece: 1. Drumline 2. Ride cymbals 3. Key change Brisk Walk in the Evening.mid
  9. I haven't the slightest idea about all this technical stuff, but in general it's something I want to listen to on repeat.
  10. Experimental piece that turned out three times as long as my usual output. Woodwind Quintet with (a) modern drumset(s). woodwind quintet test wdrums.mid
  11. Ciel


    -_- I'm absolutely horrible on the piano with 'em--- anybody know a way to get them faster, and... more consistent? I keep both my fingers on the keys for them...
  12. I did something like that, with my "Nightingale's Theme" --- I improvised something, liked the sound, improved it for a little while, until I was totally satisfied (which was about a month later.) ...Then I wrote it down (three months later).
  13. I didn't want to post in the "perfect pitch" thread for fear of getting it off topic, so I'm asking here. When I'm listening to music, and it's loud enough to make me feel vibrations, I can sort of ignore the music and still be able to "hear" the tone through the vibration. When I'm singing, with headphones on (and it's loud enough to drown out my singing), the vibrations in my throat can tell me if I'm singing the wrong pitch or not, and I can correct it. ((And, unrelated to vibration, I'm pretty good at whistling to tunes--- and get each pitch correct.)) Is this a sort of branch-off, lesser form of perfect pitch, or is it something somewhat unrelated?
  14. I started loving it at about 0:44. =/ ...
  15. I can read music... SLOWLY.
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