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Madman3123 last won the day on August 27 2010

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About Madman3123

  • Birthday 04/18/1993

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  1. Thanks siwi, I've read Korsakovs principles of orchestration with alan belkins comments I imagine this piece will be just as helpful, and thank you TooDorrah as well. I've managed to get a smooth transition to a new theme on the current work I'm working on for a small orchestra (which I've moved up to from various small ensembles) I've found that looking at what I've actually wrote and understanding why it works can help me figure out a few routes to another place and then work on the one that tallies most with what I want from the piece. Practice makes perfect, so I better get back to practicing
  2. I find that one of the hardest things for me when writing for the orchestra is making good transitions, a lot of the time I change out a theme is orchestrated then after it introduce a new theme that starts with a similar orchestra and shifts away (kind of to put distance between it and theme 1), however one thing I seem to always really struggle on is sudden transitions where it leaps rapidly into a new instrumentation and things start to go down. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or advice on how to better transition between orchestral textures and themes, maybe some personal methods or examples to look at etc. Thanks Daniel
  3. Ah yes I tried it it will load into fruity loops but it won't load samples into it. Right now to start saving up. Thanks for all the help anyway
  4. Yea I realised that and they actually time out after 15 minutes >< Kontakt 2 comes with Sibelius so I will try that to see if they time out (it comes free with Sibelius so I'm hoping it's the full version) If that doesn't work I'll have to wait till I get enough money for it. Thanks for the help both of you. Daniel McKenna
  5. Hi just a question is there a way to open Kontact sample libraries without kontact player or is there a free version of kontact that I can get? Thanks Daniel Mckenna
  6. This is great Marius, really enjoyed it. What samples/vsts did you use? If you don't mind me asking.
  7. If you're still looking for Korsakov's book on orchestration its all on this site split into the separate parts: http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/77-Principles-of-Orchestration-On-line It also contains some annotations that state examples of things that contradict Korsakov i.e. tutti passages played in pp which Korsakov says can't/shouldn't be done but have been done well.
  8. Just an update from when I last posted in this thread. I would recommend listening to the tracks labelled under game music. you can find my music here http://www.showcaseyourmusic.com/MckennaDaniel but if you can use it and don't want to hop through tracks go here:
  9. Ah thanks. And no it won't be one ostinato it will change to something else I just wasn't sure about my ability to move it into other areas etc. I'm gonna work on it and hopefully at some point it will be a new entry to the electronic music forum :P
  10. Right feeling inspired after listening to tubular bells with the polyrhythms and layering etc I became inspired to write something a bit different to usual, push my limits create some funky music. Thing is I've got so far and I've started hitting a road block musically and I'm wondering if I'm just meandering compositionally towards a dead end. It's starts with a piano melody in 6/4 and then a counter melody comes in playing in 4/4 (00:03) on the repeat. Then after a bit the 4/4 piano melody (which is two bars long) is changed (note values) to a 6/4 melody (00:15) where the note values now match with the main theme. Then a 6/4 bell stab (00:21) comes in followed by brass (00:34) that doubles it by an octave but sustains the notes. This build up is then released with just the main melody, 2nd counter melody and a bass line provided by some synth brass in 3/4 timing (00:46). Then the notes of the main melody are altered to be in 5/4 by playing same two notes of the original one at the same time and my use of rests (00:58). In this piece I aim to make use of time signature changes, polyrhythms and some aspects of serialism and I'm inspired by tubular bells (as I said before) and various progressive bands. Really all I want is to know how well I've done so far, if it sounds good or rubbish and if the latter how to improve/make it flow better. Personally I think it sounds mostly alright, (I start to lose my conviction during the 5/4 version of the main melody) and I think all I really need is maybe some ideas on how to make music that changes around this much flow better and maybe some educational links to sites which can teach me things I probably should know. I also wrote the guide to how it goes because I don't have a score to show. composition.mp3
  11. It's a good piece, but it does lack some piratishness to it. I once heard that a lot of pirate sounding music (arrr me hearties) comes from the dorian mode. That might kinda go with what adamich said cause the dorian mode is like the minor scale except with a sharped 6th so there could be a minor feeling with the 6th offering a majorish tinge??? I hope that's helpful and not nonsensical.
  12. Ah I've seen that website before it's alright, but personally I prefer: http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/77-Principles-of-Orchestration-On-line It's a book Korsakov wrote on orchestration thats been typed up with (nearly) all of korsakovs examples embedded into the pages as scorch files or something so you can see score and hear roughly the effect hes talking about. I say roughly because it's GPO not a real orchestra but its not too hard to then listen to an orchestra playing the tunes on youtube etc. Also it has comments throughout it to offer more subjectiveness, they basically say: well Korsakov says this but it has been done by debussy.
  13. It does work well as background, like soundtrack work etc but I think there would have to be more variation for it to be anything other than background music to me. However it is great for background music.
  14. Well the logo is cause the designer of the site I'm getting my link on has picture links so its a pic of me or a logo and I'm more comfortable with a logo
  15. The bio is in third person because when advertising yourself like in a bio people apparently trust third person though as they assume it was wrote by someone else. I have one on my site already which is just: "My name is Daniel McKenna I am 17 still in education and wish to become a soundtrack composer for video games when I am older. Currently to help myself build up experience and a portfolio I am offering my music already written and yet to be written for any developers of free online games or anyone else who may want it. I am willing to work below industry rates and will even consider working for free if the project interests me enough." However I did feel as my bio is going to be on a site of someone I will work with I need to spruce it up a bit :unsure: Another idea for a logo is attached to this post btw
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