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About fabledpilgrim

  • Birthday 06/22/1992

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  1. So the site is basically broken for me. The homepage has loads of code at the top when I go on it, and my profile apparently doesn't exist when I try to go on it. This has all been happening (i think) since the change to the new uploading system. The first 2 images attached are the home page, and the 3rd is what it says when I try go on my profile.
  2. Prepare for something very different to my normal compositions. Like the last track I posted, this is for a deathmatch mod, so once again feel free to randomly should 'TRIPLE KILL!' whilst you watch. Seriously. It makes it like 100 times more epic. This track is based very loosely on the Call of Duty: Black Ops song 'Mask Walk.' It's designed to loop in the game, hence the lack of a huge ending. "Incinerate Them!"
  3. Thanks for the comments guys. Quite please with this composition myself, it all started out as that opening theme and I built it all from there. Handed this into uni the other day as well to be marked as part of my coursework, lets hope my lecturers like it too! thanks again.
  4. Well, here we go. My first proper attempt to write something electronic. The only other kinda synthy track I have done was siren cry, which I did a long time ago, and has a solo piano section in it which is a bit more classical. This piece is meant to be a little less meaningful, and a lot more in your face, explosions, lasers, and so on. It's music written for a 90's style deathmatch mod (think Quake arena). So just imagine a deep voice going 'HEADSHOT!' or something as you listen. Not sure if this track is going to make it into the final game, but it's being used on a trailer for the game. Works kinda nice in a loop as well so might make it into the game even with it being so short. Nerve
  5. For a video of me playing this on the piano go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVjPOdkS5tYThis is a solo piano composition based on a part of my book, which involves a character losing it a bit. It's on of my more contemporary piece's, based around two chords that when put together make some really pretty dissonance. It also uses the practise pedal about half way through to create an interesting effect. Sorry about the creaking piano by the way, this is a very... 'organic' performance *cough* In Bainen's Hold
  6. Thanks for the comment, glad you enjoyed it. I asked for a theme for the music, but the guy I wrote it for said he would shape the animation around the music so I could use whatever theme I wanted, as long as it had a crescendo to suddenly quiet near the end. So I thought it would be nice to do something a bit different to my usual style, something... happy! :o I can see what you mean about the crescendo with the drums. There is some crescendos in other instruments at that point as well, but they aren't really that audible (could have been an effect of too much compression). There is also another violin bit just before it goes quiet that I don't like as well, but the piece has already been sent off and the guy was really happy with it, and I'm super busy with tracks for other stuff now, so I think I'm gonna have to just live with the things I don't love in this track. Weirdly, the 'ukulele' is actually a harp, using a mode on the VST to bring out the harmonics more. It does sound more ukuleleish though thinking about it :P Thanks again.
  7. This is a little composition I did for a 'promotional animation,' whatever that is. The music was written before the animation, so that the animation can be based around the music written. I don't know that much about the animation at the moment, but once I do I'll change this description. Anyway, I was asked to write a 1 min long piece, that was quite quiet until 40:00, where it would crescendo to 50:00 before going quiet again. The timings are a little bit off from that, but the general idea is still there. A Pretty Minute
  8. 'Tis the sign of a good composer :P Although for some reason its decided to stretch out my face on the forum, which isn't so great. Oh well. Thanks for your comments. It's music written for a video game modification, so I think the same thing applies with the pacing in that the players attention is going to be on what's happening on screen, with the music there more as a background atmospheric thing. I did at one point consider carrying on past the end point with this one, but I liked the ending as it was, I think 'hollow' as you said is the perfect word really. And because it will be in a video game thing it will loop anyway. Thanks for listening and commenting :D
  9. This composition was something I started a few months ago, but then gave up on. When looking through old files, I stumbled on it again, and decided I liked it too much to ignore it any longer. It used to just be the strings, so I added in lots of heavy scraggy like a piano and bass drum and choir. This is another comp for the mod, which hopefully should be released before the end of this year.Enjoy! Clockwork Armada
  10. Thanks, glad you liked it. Ill have another look through it to see what you mean about the instrument sticking out, I suspect it's the flute. I'm just writing music for the mod. A lot of the things I've uploaded so far are for the mod. Unhallowed Depths, The Nomad, Homestead, Glory and Strife, Rapture, and Static March are all going to be in the mod.
  11. Glad you enjoyed it. Are you on about the bit with the diamond symbol in the tam tam part? Thats where the player scrapes the side of the gong with a metal beater, but I totally forgot to put a legend at the start to show what it meant Silly me!
  12. This is the main menu music for the mod I'm working on at the moment. Its using almost an entire symphony orchestra, so is my biggest composition to date in terms of instrument numbers. It establishes the main theme of the mod, which ill probably use in future compositions for it. I should mention just how amazing the garritan refills are, they have really professionalised (is that a word?) the sounds of my compositions, you can defiantly hear the difference in how realistic my compositions sound before and after I got the garritan refills (I think Honour of the Damned was the last one I did before I got them.) If you use reason to create orchestral pieces they are a must buy! And for the £50 price tag they are alot cheaper than their VST versions for other software. Heroes Ascension
  13. Thanks :D Ill bear your advice in mind for future things like this :)
  14. This is a composition I did for university, a percussion duet for tam-tam (gong) and 3 timpani. I wrote it basically in one night, not long before the deadline actually! I was really struggling with writing for 2 percussion players, but thankfully I managed to make something that worked before it was too late. I was adamant I would create a composition that I liked rather than settling with something that simply fulfilled the brief. I knew I wanted to use a tam-tam after completing my composition 'Static March' because it allowed me to create something not strictly rhythmic. Although this is more rhythmic than Static March, I think it has a few moments where you can forget the tempo a bit. I would have liked to use 4 timpani, but uni only has 3 and we had to compose for instruments at the uni. Anyway, Enjoy! Cabal Sacrifice
  15. I think I love you! Thanks for making my day :D
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