Thanks for the comment, glad you enjoyed it. I asked for a theme for the music, but the guy I wrote it for said he would shape the animation around the music so I could use whatever theme I wanted, as long as it had a crescendo to suddenly quiet near the end. So I thought it would be nice to do something a bit different to my usual style, something... happy! :o
I can see what you mean about the crescendo with the drums. There is some crescendos in other instruments at that point as well, but they aren't really that audible (could have been an effect of too much compression). There is also another violin bit just before it goes quiet that I don't like as well, but the piece has already been sent off and the guy was really happy with it, and I'm super busy with tracks for other stuff now, so I think I'm gonna have to just live with the things I don't love in this track.
Weirdly, the 'ukulele' is actually a harp, using a mode on the VST to bring out the harmonics more. It does sound more ukuleleish though thinking about it :P
Thanks again.