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About Jahreszeiten13

  • Birthday 02/14/1995

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  1. A piece for keyboard I recently finished. Could eventually be the first movement of a Sonatina. Allegro
  2. A very short prelude, in G major. Versetto II
  3. Yes, It really is too short and insignificant to comment on. I plan on uploading more of these as they come to me. As for a score, I'll try to upload one as soon as Young Composers fixes the bug (which I'm assuming is the reason the score will not upload). Thank you for the feedback :)!
  4. A versetto, or very short prelude. I'll probably write more of these, and then give the set an opus number. Versetto
  5. 1. Joseph Haydn - Symphony No. 100 "Military" 2. Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 3 "Eroica" 3. Wolfgang Mozart - Symphony No. 41 "Jupiter" 5. Leopold Mozart - Symphony "Peasant's Wedding" 4. Samuel Wesley - Symphony in B flat
  6. I use my trusty 1914 Heintzman Upright. I do better when I use an acoustic piano, but I do own multiple electric keyboards.
  7. I really enjoyed this! Very energetic and upbeat. Is this part of a larger work like an Opera? Also, the score file doesn't work :(
  8. Thank you for pointing those problems out! :) I'm glad you enjoyed these minuets.
  9. 4 very short minuets. 4 Minuets
  10. I'm wondering if it's possible to create multiple pick - up mesures in one document? If possible, how do I do it?
  11. Thank you for the feedback!:)
  12. 4 Variations on an original theme. In the Classical style. 4 Variations on an Original Theme
  13. A short peice called "Printemps". I don't leave many dynamic markings, it should played in a relaxed way. Printemps
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