My English is not as good as it should be, apparently... I wasn't talking just about Beethoven, he is just an example of what I mean. Of course music is a living thing that evolves with time and is a big part of development of one culture. But I still think that saying that classical music has nothin to do with rock or pop etc. music is wrong. Something that I think contributed to development of new music was the development of new instruments (like electric guitars) with a brand new sound. And of course talented musicians were looking for a new way to use them...
One thing that I can't get past when talking about musical history is this: in every culture (Egipt, Rome, Greece,...) music evolved. First it was a domain of priests and there were very strict rules about what music must be like. And with development of each culture music was becoming more and more diverse, more and more free... And at the end of each culture this was most apparent, music incorporated influences from other cultures and so on. And looking at our culture you can notice, that the music of our time is more diverse, more free of every rules (do you think that a recording of sounds from the street is music?) as it ever was. So it makes me thinking - is our culture slowly coming to an end? (and I don't mean that as the end of the world or sth like that) I know that is a philosophical question but anyway.