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About Niklas

  • Birthday 02/02/1991

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  1. i liked it! I like the beginning, when the harp comes in! Continue your good work! ;)
  2. New piece. The finale file took too much space, so I had to download it in two pieces. It's pretty many contrasts in this piece, even I found out all the melodies after each other in the same evening. I feel that it's complete, even with the contrasts. Tell me if you think it's too much of it. I'm not sure what it's called in English, but I think it's jester or teaser. That's what I called it, because I can see a jester/teaser who wants to rule the piece or something :pinch: Tell me what you think Kopi av Narr.MUS Kopi (2) av Narr.MUS Narr.MID
  3. Thanks! 3) The ending isn't as it sounds. I don't know why it's like that. If you listening from it from finale, you can instead of pressing playback, press space and then press on one of the last measures, then it plays as it should be.
  4. wow, many thanks! :) I actually changed the 'boring' part in the middle not long ago, or, I just deleted a few measures. When I saw the last replies, I added the measures again, and then changed the 'boring' part. I had to listen to it a few times before I got used to it, because it's weird when I change my own stuff. It sounds so wrong in the beginning. When I'd listened to it a few times, it sounded naturally. I didn't do as all the suggestions said, but some of them. I'm quite satisfied how it became now. Here's the changed version, if you want to hear it, or still have any comments. :santa: Bukkehornets kall yc-forandra.MUS
  5. The intro just give me a smile, it's really cool! I like the rythms from like measure 74. I wonder about one thing, in measure 82, there's a giant chord. How can a person play that? Do the person have to have three hands, or one giant hand or something :P? I think you can take move away the highest g in the left hand, the chord doesn't lose its effect. I think the chord comes a bit surprising, and I don't think it's meant to be surprising? It sounds very good with that chord, so I suggest you have the left hand piano two measures before 82 in octaves under the excisting note. I think that sounds more holistic. Also, in the next last measure in the right hand piano, it can be difficult to play for people with small hands. All in all, much interesting stuff. Yes, I certainly enjoyed it! ;)
  6. I liked it! I agree with Morivou about that the 1st flute doesn't have to have the melody all the time. It gets more interesting when the 1st flute doesn't have the melody all the time, or when the 2nd and the 3rd flute have the melody. You can't hear a difference on the computer, but in live, it will be much fresher, I think. The harmonies sounds fine, and it's all well-written. I look forward to the next 5 ;)
  7. If you got or have a live record of it, you must send it to me! :D
  8. excellent! The piano didn't sound basic to me.
  9. A piece which is great to play on the horn. Took me about a week. What do you think about it? Bukkehornets kall 1.MUS Bukkehornets kall 1.MID
  10. Niklas

    Flying Over

    Very nice. It reminds about Christmas. Maybe it is a "Christmas song"?
  11. String Quartet C# minor: Well-written for the instruments, good! One thing I'm missing is some dynamic and variation. When I'm listening to it the first time it becomes very long with none changes dynamic. Maybe it could be nice with some tempo changes too? All this is definitely up to you, that's only my opinion. I like the harmony in this piece! String Quartet Bb minor: This is also well-written for the instruments. It's easy to see that you're playing all those instruments. The presto part was real quick, can you play it in that tempo :O? The ending of the whole thing is really cool! One thing, around measure 23, I just think the chords changes can be better. It's just so nice, and then it come a chord which destroy some of the good feeling. I made a suggestion for how I would have done it, like it or not. String Quartet: Really cool and nice all the way! Generally I miss dynamic variation in all of your pieces. The allegro parts is just like "wow" all the way. If you ever gonna perform this, you have to record it and send it to me! :thumbsup: I sure not everybody can play this piece. String quartet Bb minor.MUS
  12. A piece I wrote about a month ago. It's pretty much one theme with variations, together with motives quite different than the theme. Almost every meldies came to my head the same time. I don't think I need to say much more. The star (*) means that it should be a quart tone under B, or over B flat. Finale doesn't play that :O :P What's your thoughts about the piece? Hope you'll enjoy it J - HORN OG FL J - HORN OG FL
  13. Interesting piece! To be honest, I didn't get excited bye this piece from the beginning of. I didn't see it as much interesting before that place, but I think it is much because of the midi sound. The part from measure 26-36 is very beatiful, I like it. Nice guitar work there :D The piece continue good, and it has a nice and proper ending for a piece like this (even if I can't hear the ending how it should be, I can see how it's meant to be :toothygrin:). Maybe it would have been nice with a part where the guitar have something else, but that's just a maybe. Continue the good work!
  14. This piece was created by several different ideas melted together. First I wrote the beginning, with no thoughts for how I would continue. I didn Hum Hum
  15. Really cool melody! I liked this! Maybe you could have made this a bit longer? That's up to you, but if you have an idea how to make it longer, do it, not make it longer with crap!
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