Why do you visit Young Composers?To learn, engage and hopefully someday be critiqued. What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?
This is the first forum/online community I've really plunged into. I hope to become acquainted with other young composers, learn as much as I can, have resources recommended to me, and to hopefully have my music reviewed.
How often do you visit this site?This is my first day, but I plan on visiting daily. How long are your visits? If they are short, why?
About 2 hours so far.
Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?No What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?
Not sure yet. Still exploring.
Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?
Certainly not. This place is buzzing with talent.