Wow..thank you all for your kind comments and excelletn suggestions. I will take all of your remarks into consideratin and hope to post a revised version again. Yes, the strings patch is actually very natural fromEWQl, but I over-tweaked with an EQ that it sounds a bit synthy. You are absolutely correct. I should keep the natural warmth that it already had.
Abd_Zibdeh, I am from Lebanon, currently living in Dubai. i love music, studied piano for 6 years when I was a young kid. Started composing about 1 year ago. Thats one of my early compositions.
Stephanpalen, I appreciate your observations a lot. It makes perect sense to emphsise teh brass. I should use a more brighter french horn section to give it a Fanfare sound..especially the counterpoitn part toward the end of the main section. I like that idea.
thank you all
Jean Paul