Oh John, Im not really good at this sorta thing :s lol But Ill try anyway...I was thinking of a synthy version of a french horn. Yeah, in any case it would be a synth. The first time around the piano by itself is fine (IMO lol) but as the power of the song increases, I think it should be more full. Im getting an inspirational song and rap (light, medium speed, not gangster hehe) vibe from the song. And as if the singers/rapper starts to belt it out or get really passionate that enveloping feeling you get from the french horn ((now synthefied)) along with the beat , will just burst out of nowhere and almost overtake the performers, just almost, for an epic climax followed by a resolution however you might like it. Oh and forget the wah wah thing, that was way out of my league to try to explain. Thanks for trying to understand! : Drue