This is my new favorite of mine. Of course all my newest ones are my new favorite :P
Made it with Aria Maestosa, and the Fluid GM sound font.
I think this one is my best, too, because I varied it more, it's longer, It has more themes, and it's not as repetitive.
Not good with names, so I named it what I used to think my mom said when I was little and I asked who called and the caller ID really said unknown name. Of course if I ever actually need a good name for some reason, it's not gonna be Unknown Nang :P
Someone recently told me that MuseScore sucks. That explains all the pain and misery and bad scores I get from using it... I dunno if MuseScore can notate drums, and I don't know anything about drum notation anyway, but I took out the drums because... well I don't know how to notate it. But I did manage to add instrument names, even though its not the way MuseScore intended I'm sure.
Critique and comments please?
Unknown Nang