@JonSlaughter Sorry I havent used the internet in quite a while due to travelling for a few weeks haha
Thanks so much for your reply (man that must taken long to write). I will try to improve the sound quality (or rather musical timbre) in future pieces to sound more realisitic (as currently all are either from my keyboard or some random VST i found on the internet). I havent paid much attention to dynamics until now, thanks for the reminder. My keyboard has a really good dynamics range for piano-like sounds but for an orchestra not so much and could tend to sound fake, i guess i will work with turning a few dials in FL studio for that haha. This is definitely something I will pay attention to. Thank you so much for that huge review.
@kevin_w Thanks, the guitar sound is from a VST in FL studio, as I don't have a professional microphone a recording of the instrument would have too much noise... But I did play the guitar solo on the instrument in the video, (its actually not very hard apart from this one fill) the same notes and rhythm and all, but what you're actually hearing is computer-generated (sadly)
p.s. i really really want to get good recording equipment though, but it doesnt help that im not a pro haha