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About f-x

  • Birthday 10/07/1989

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  1. Great piece in the ancient style mood,nice french style bits too,it sounds really good played live on clarinets especially the adagio,this recording does a lot more justice to your piece than the other one.
  2. Nice! great mood, im particularly fond of the beginning i would LOVE the theme at measure 6-7 to be more developped,even if only for a few measures, keeping it a little and work it out would add to the piece.
  3. i would have liked the piece but for some reason the site wont let me!damn..
  4. Very nice! Sorrow is an appropriate title as it is sad and touching indeed and does have a feel of insomnia;of melancholic fatigue and vulnerability,i love how the piece goes into a short anguish outburst and then calm down and remains in quiet resignation.
  5. Love this!The main theme is used throughout the piece nicely varied ,the melody going into sudden 8va is really effective,I agree with Lordnemrod it is short but it works very well that way,nice ending too!
  6. sonata in classical style,only first movement is complete,hope you like http://www.youngcomposers.com/profile/music/f-x/composition?entry=68602 sonata in D major
  7. its ok i understand
  8. Thanks a lot!it s great to have a pianist point of view of the technical difficulties!.about measure 54 is it because of the F crossing over the B?is it not possible to get the quarter notes of beat 2 and 3 with left hand continue the trill and hitting the F with right hand little finger or something?
  9. Great work,i did not really check the score so im not gonna make a big reviews with big criticisms but i listened to it all i did like the piece and thought it had a quite beethovenian first period feel to it,so i think its pretty much a success!
  10. Celloman:thanks a bunch!when you say the chords in the left hand has to be opened up do you mean to delete a few notes or to spread the notes? yeah i think some harmonic solutions can be rework a bit,in the dotted section and the fugue,not to sure about the episode in measure 63 i think it work ok that way,i know its a bit long but it was a challenge for myself to make a quite big fugue,it was self imposed hehe thanks for listening and for the review! paranoid freak; First its a fugue i really dont know why you say its not,(subject,countersubject,subsequent entries,episodes,modulations)id like to hear your definition of fugue,it might be a bit limited cause this is a fugue! first you say its not a fugue and then you talk about accompagnement and homophonic texture?!!theres no such thing as accompagnement in a fugue.it would be more accurate to talk about counterpoint than accompagnement but maybe thats waht you meant...anyway im pretty sad you did not like it,i mean i did thought that it could be qualified of too long,a bit imprecise in harmony,sometime in counterpoint but DULL...damn im sad about that.The theme is not dull at all im sure of that and countersubject is pretty good too,the development is not perfect but dull....damn im sad...anyway thanks for listening.
  11. Nice! improvisation is one of my favorite thing in the world! thanks for sharing!
  12. Very entertaining piece! love it! beautiful;charming and lively! nice recording to! thanks for sharing
  13. very good but it begs on its knee for more,much too short,anyway its a great start from which you can develop,i hope you will cause this sound promising.
  14. Brillant indeed!
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