Celloman:thanks a bunch!when you say the chords in the left hand has to be opened up do you mean to delete a few notes or to spread the notes? yeah i think some harmonic solutions can be rework a bit,in the dotted section and the fugue,not to sure about the episode in measure 63 i think it work ok that way,i know its a bit long but it was a challenge for myself to make a quite big fugue,it was self imposed hehe thanks for listening and for the review!
paranoid freak; First its a fugue i really dont know why you say its not,(subject,countersubject,subsequent entries,episodes,modulations)id like to hear your definition of fugue,it might be a bit limited cause this is a fugue! first you say its not a fugue and then you talk about accompagnement and homophonic texture?!!theres no such thing as accompagnement in a fugue.it would be more accurate to talk about counterpoint than accompagnement but maybe thats waht you meant...anyway im pretty sad you did not like it,i mean i did thought that it could be qualified of too long,a bit imprecise in harmony,sometime in counterpoint but DULL...damn im sad about that.The theme is not dull at all im sure of that and countersubject is pretty good too,the development is not perfect but dull....damn im sad...anyway thanks for listening.