Thank you very much for comments! I guess this was one of those pieces where I forget about the fact that I was trying to compose a piece for orchestra and just tried to achieve certain 'sound'. For example cellos in first part actually sounded a bit forced, but my blinded ears seemed to be ok with that. Also my other half-mistake was probably the fact that I again composed a piece for a movie considering a sequence of scenes in background in my head, hence all those long background-ish introductions appeared. Stand alone symphonic composition should be a little more detailed I guess, you're right. Still, in terms of composition and orchestration I consider this one of my best, especially the second part. First part might be a little too long, yes. And forced cellos screamed too much 'we're sampled!'.
I thought of that but in the end stopped on taiko ensemble percussion between two fast movements in the second part.
Whole piece was my tribute to a wonderful composer Patrick Doyle.