Thank you so much for the welcome and for all the kind words. :happy: I am so sorry about those glitches, apparently there was some error during the uploading process here on the web page.
I must have done something wrong, I don´t know if it´s possible to reloading the piece or do I have to delete it and doing it all over again?.
John : thanks so much and yes, I was asked to do some more pieces, I can upload them too if you want. I would love to hear your feedback
Phantom: Thank you... I did notice that glitches, I would apreciate if you may know how to upload it again without losing the post.
Roy: thanks so much for your words... I Must confess I was a little nervous about my first Feedback here but Im honored you all liked the piece so far
Marius: Thank you very much for your feedback. Strangely the Original file doesn´t have this glitch... I was very concerned that I wouldn´t be able to capture the scenery using such a limited amount of orchestral instruments.
For all the ones Interested in the Software used
- Worked with Reason and Kontackt for all the instruments set up.
- The Libraryes were:
AKAI Voices Of Istanbul
AKAI Heart Of Africa
SoundFonts Woodwinds
Some percussion From Orkester Bank (not too much)
- Did the Mix in Sonar 8, Sound Forge and Traktor
Well Hope it helped, Thank you all very much and if you need me just PM me. I will be uploading new material any time soon