He isn't saying that though, if I understand this correctly, SSC can feel free to elucidate his own points.
You see AntiA, when, say, a belligerent tribe decides to attack and take over another tribe, the whole purpose of the conquest is to eradicate most, if not all, of the defending tribe. If you're in the defending tribe and certain aspects of your culture are destroyed, including art and music, that information probably isn't collected, probably not written down, and you won't be able to pass down that information...because you'd be dead. I know that's abstracting the situation from real events a bit, but it isn't THAT FAR OFF from what generally happens throughout history.
It really is just incredibly naive of you to say, "Well there was never any war over music, so how do you know," that's obviously not what SSC or I am talking about. I'm not on the up and up when it comes to cultural hegemony and all whatnot, but we KNOW that these things happen when conquest occurs. They're more like externalities than anything, collateral damage. The main mission was to take Nation-State X's mineral deposits and their crops, but usually in the process a lot of, umm, death occurs, and destruction of property. This isn't like...radical Marxist/Hegelian historical methodology or anything, it's just...it's loving there. I LOLed when you said this...