This piece is an exploration of an idea that was gleaned from thereading of several essays from Steve Reich's book, "Writings on Music, 1965-2000." As a furthering of Reich's additive harmonic process, I have explored a rhythmic process that is at times additive and subtractive. I have done this by expanding or contracting the duration of consecutive notes by one sixteenth in duration (ranging from a note 8 sixteenth notes in duration to a note 1 sixteenthnote in duration.) Occasionally, this type of rhythmic jest is interjected with a toying of the duration of rests. As far as time signature is concerned, the meter used has been chosen to help the performers coordinate downbeats and is in no way reflective of beat stress hierarchy. The title refers to a line from the Christian Scriptures, from Luke's Gospel: (8: 16, NRSV) "No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light."I hope you enjoy, the pitches are taken from a serious of jazz 9th chord voicings, assigned in a rather arbitrary fashion - the players were sight reading and the percussionist makes a few mistakes - please forgive him.
if you make a light do not hide it in a box beneath your bed