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About Charybdis

  • Birthday 08/18/1993

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  1. I was composing a song for in the CDLR #7 over at VGMusic, using an orchestra. I had a ton of inspiration when I started out, but somethings led me to have to wait a little while, and by the time I could get back into it, my inspiration had left me... I have a decent part of it done, but I've come to a grinding halt right at the end of it. I can't seem to think of what to make happen next though. If anyone could give me a little advice here, even something as simple as what chord to use next, or what key to change to, I would be very grateful, as the deadline gets closer every day and I'm not getting any ideas. Oh, and just so you know, what I have there already isn't completed yet, there's gonna be more Cello and Contrabass activity and of course fuller percussion. WesleyG_-_Midnight-Dark_Star-Audio.mp3
  2. The simple thing I think is ok, I was going for a more simple ambient feeling in the first place. As for the jokes and vocals, that was what most of the samples were. I chose not to use those ones, or doctored them up enough to use as serious samples. If you wanna see some of the other entries, you can check out some here: http://www.vgmusic.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=13624 There's some great ones, and some funny ones. Beware though, there a a few crude ones too though.
  3. This was a piece I composed for the SPC Contest over at VGMusic.com. Basically how the contest works is, everybody submits 3 samples and at the end of the period the pack of them is released (hence the name, Sample Pack Contest). Then you have to make a song out of them, and ONLY them. This time, the majority of the samples were joke samples or vocal samples. I made do with what I could though, and I think I managed pretty well. Comments and Criticisms are welcome. Tidal Chamber
  4. Charybdis


    Giving this a listen... I don't notice any horribly clogged up places in this myself... Love the gentle strings playing the chords on the left! I definitely see what you mean about the strange way you did the melody. It probably wouldn't have stuck out to me before, but since you mentioned it, I can tell what you mean. Personally, I find it a little unusual, but not bad. So much music sounds out there sounds so similar, sometimes it's good to hear different things. One thing I really noticed was that this song has a lot of variation in it, in regards to not playing the same thing over and over again for a while, like in some of the songs you've done. Keep up the good work!
  5. Interesting song, I like the way you keep it very minimalistic melody-wise. As for being creepy, there's almost as many times it feels uplifting as times it feels creepy. Examples are 1:08, 1:32, and 2:52. But, if it's for a giant mysterious creature like you said, that awe inspiring feeling would be very fitting. So you're actually working on this for a game? Nice! How did you end up in that position?
  6. I'm glad you like it! I thought it might appeal to your style. I've definitely been getting more into using guitar in my songs. There's just so many interesting sounds you can get out of them. Even as a write this, I'm writing another song with acoustic guitar. :D
  7. This is my latest song for Tortured Planet. It's the theme for a snow-capped mountain. No duh. It's my first song dealing with acoustic and electric guitar, too. C&C please? Snowcap Nimbus Act 2
  8. I'm a relatively new composer too. A good mentor, Zack Parrish, known as CBlockDis over on VGMusic Forums, told me that the best ways to get into the actual business of making music for people, is to not wait for people to come to you, but to go to them. Some of the suggestions he gave me were to join gamedev forums and make yourself familiar there, and then, just to get your music out there, volunteer for a small project, doesn't even have to be something that will survive, it's just serving the purpose of getting your music out there. I've partly followed that advice so far. I volunteered to make the music for a Sonic Fangame, so that I can get some practice composing for people, and for something to show off to people on the Gamedev forums once I get there. I even just got an E-mail yesterday, someone asking me if I'll make 6 tracks for THEIR game too! As for all the other talented artists you speak of, don't get discouraged. I mean sure, there are a lot of them, especially on this site. Don't put yourself down because you don't think you're as good, though. Every composer harshly criticizes their own work, and that's how we get better, so I tell you no lies when I say that your music sounds professional. I wouldn't think you would have any problems getting people to want to pay for your music in their game, or maybe even movie. (Well, movies are a bit trickier, because they usually go for orchestral, and it has to go along with the movies scenes.) The reason you don't get a lot of comments? Not because of your music, it's because people are lazy. That's why I like taking part in contests, because you will always get criticism in a contest. Speaking of laziness, that's the only excuse for why I haven't responded to this sooner, or even listened to Spinning Rocks yet... And those aren't the only places where I'm lazy at. Ah God help this poor sloth that I am. >_< I'm even being lazy in writing this when I have school I should be doing right now.
  9. The way you compose reminds me of Tim Follin. He has some similar ambient stuff, especially in the work he did on Ecco: Defender of the Future. Here's my favorite of his songs: It might be slow at first, but it gets to some incredible guitar parts in there. I could say the same about your song, it starts off kind of slow and I got a little bored, but it redeemed itself towards the end, and I was thoroughly satisfied. Not much bad I can say about this song really, though. So I have a question for you: What do you make your music for? Is it just a hobby, or are you working for someone? I mean, if I were you, I'd seriously look into finding someone to hire you to make music for their game, movie, or whatever.
  10. This was a song I made for the Monthly Midi Contest over at VGMusic.com, I figured I'd post it up here to see what you guys think. It's a Midi, obviously, so no special effects, like reverb or anything. I think I did an OK job on it, but it definitely could be better. Lucky for me, there's no people on this forum from VGMusic, at least none that participate in the contests, so I can post it up here for criticism! :DWell, here it is, Ruins of Lost Legends, it's a theme for an ancient temple overgrown with vegetation. Ruins of Lost Legends
  11. Ah yes. Link Fixed
  12. For some reason it makes me think of Megaman... Like the others said, it has a tense feeling to it that is pretty interesting. I like the light chorus sounds in the background, it adds that 'mystic' feel to it. About those arpeggiator like sounds, did you make that or was it a preset you used? 10 bonus points if you made it yourself! <img src="http://network.youngcomposers.com/elgg/ipb/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" alt=":lol:" /> My only problem with it is that it never gets anywhere really, it keeps on the same speed and same volume all the time, a tune never comes out. I was hoping there would be a quieter part where a piano would come in, but one never did. :( Here's a good example of a song that alternates between a techno thing like you have and piano leads. Fix'd
  13. Haha, in all reality, the only reason I put the crash in there was because I felt there should be one, I never actually thought it fit. :D Well, I tried putting some effects on it all, nothing even sounded remotely good on it except for reverb, so maybe I'll put some of that in it.
  14. Hmm... And I was so proud of those drums too. Seems a lot of people think they'er weak though. Does anyone have any specific suggestions on what kind of drums to use? I personally though Electronic Drums would go well with it, but maybe I'm wrong. Now that I see that, I should definitely add some more reverb to them at least. The reason it ends so quickly, is because... *drumroll* It's supposed to loop, it's for in a game. Thanks for the responses everyone!
  15. ITSA MEE! Haha, you already know what I think of your songs! (Just in case you didn't know, this is TUC from VGMusic forums)
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