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Manam last won the day on December 15 2010

Manam had the most liked content!

About Manam

  • Birthday 03/29/1985

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Occupation
    teacher of music
  • Interests
    music and be happy
  • Favorite Composers
    Palestrina, T.L. de Victoria, Bach, Wagner, R. Strauss, Mahler, Ravel, Bartók, Mertens, Nyman, Barber, etc
  • My Compositional Styles
    many styles, but I love the counterpoint
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale 2012, cubase 5
  • Instruments Played
    VSL se library

Manam's Achievements


Collaborator (7/15)

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  1. Okay. Very classical. Congratulations!
  2. Okay. Buffoon and comic style. It reminds me of the typical of classicism. Congratulations.
  3. I do not understand why does the link? ... Pardon me put them up here: part 1: http://www.goear.com/listen/9823019/la-muerte-de-marina-parte-1- part 2: http://www.goear.com/listen/563188f/la-muerte-de-marina-parte-2-
  4. [goear]9823019[/ goear]
  5. Marina's death.It is a drama in one act where Marina lives his last moments of life due to an unknown illness. Felipe is his beloved and sad.The songs are basically about 3: 1 Philip's aria, aria Marina 2 º, 3 º final duo. In the final duo displayed items from the start, say, is a compilation of these. The atmosphere is melancholic and sad. The text is in Spanish, because it is a few years ago and take me time to translate, but the plot is death and sadness ...The audio I have divided into two parts:Part 1:[goear]9823019[/ goear]Part 2:[goear]563188f[/ goear]Thanks! Marina's death
  6. Good orchestration! the idea is quite efficient. Congratulations!
  7. Thank you very much colleagues, I value your opinions. Greetings!
  8. Hi, the audio is not working .... Greetings
  9. Try not to abuse both melismas or agility and the soprano because the human voice tends to run out (needs to breathe) .... Notes extreme care also must (you can not put a note B below the staff for soprano, mezzo that is more for nor a grade of C on acute since the technique of singing requires careful preparation to give the note C. Moreover, I found it curious! and I encourage you to follow. Greetings!
  10. Concerto for Two Violas arm. In three movements. Concerto for Two Violas arm Temp Audio Link
  11. Exactly! hence to be called "imitation mutated. " Given that my intention was to make harsh or strict, rather modern. Greetings
  12. Well done. And excellent clarity from the simple idea. Congratulations!
  13. Very curious. With a very well expressed. Congratulations.
  14. This is a work of Palestrina clearly showing mutated and imitated a reason (imitative counterpoint) also voices alternate and begins a continuous and more ...
  15. Thanks for your feedback .... tell, if it is an imitative counterpoint because it will tell you: If you look closely at the score, there is a repetitive motif (imitated) and most often mutated, and with only this comment is imitative, imitative counterpoint is also characterized by always start with one voice and switching the supposed reason for the mimic each other's voices. It is an imitation mutated due to the technique of paraphrasing that used the great Palestrina. This paraphrase, is responsible for altering or gloss over the subject a little, to give variety, but always without losing its essence. Imitative counterpoint is without mimic a free-form idea, with few restrictions, hence it is a good year of study. In the treaty of Fux (treatise Viennese Baroque composer) makes it clear that it is imitation, or simple but not least wikipedia. Greetings ..
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