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About DomAjean

  • Birthday 01/27/1989

Profile Information

  • Biography




    I'm a graduated student from Musitechnic, a really nice music school with great teachers situated in the heart of Montreal city, Quebec.

    Here's a list of what I did so far:

    Diploma obtainment: AEC: Applied Digital Technologies

    Making of the musics/sound fxs for the award winning game of the Innov'Game 2010 contest Rising Inferno.

    Making of the musics/sound fxs for the soon to be released ios game Fruity Jelly from Scorsoft & Bulkypix.

    Musics/sound fxs update for the upcoming ios game Super Solitaire from Claymore Games.

    Sound fxs for the iphone game This is Pong! from Navissal Games.
  • Gender
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  • Occupation
    Sound Designer/Artist Producer

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  • Six Years in
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  1. Hello, It's been 2 years that I am working on this very particular album. I just started an Indiegogo campaign and I am really excited to be full time on the project! So I was wondering, do you guys know any good 90's virtual instruments? I'm already using a bunch of them but if you have anything to propose that would stand out, I am listening :) Thanks and if you got a chance pass by the campaign to say hello and help me to bring back the 90s! :D Dom
  2. Hi, I saw the categories after I wrote my message, sorry for that. For the topics, I don't know if there is already one but a ''Services and Trade'' topic for people who want to talk business is always something good to have. For the moment it is the only idea coming to my mind:P All the best! Dominic
  3. Hi, First of all, congrats for the improvements, I know it is a lot of work and my sincere props for that! Why am I not anymore on this website? The answer is simple: I was coming here for one particular reason: The category forums! While I am a video game oriented composer, it was really useful to come here and chill on the video game music forum. It was a lot of fun to listen to people stuff etc...and now that you removed all that, it is just not as interesting as it was anymore :s Would it be possible to get back our separated forums...I find that it was one of the biggest strength of this website and I really don't understand why it is all gone...or maybe I didn't check the new website enough and I'm passing beside something that I don't see? One more thing, the graphical design was way better before, your new website logo looks like a logo for kids(I think something more serious would be more appropriated). The buttons are not enough visually in evidence, like the button join group which I was searching a lot...to finally see that it was a gray button saying that I can't join the group?? oh...wait...I have to be connected first, to see that button correctly..!...o ok now I see.....You see it is really not enough simple for a person who comes by on your website for the first time...What you could do is put a big button JOIN GROUP and everybody could click on it and if you are not connected a pop up shows up and ask: already a member? sign in first to be able to join the group...or not a member? Register etc..... For the moment it is all what I have to say...thanks a lot for your hard work and consideration. Regards, Dominic
  4. Hi mister! Really nice and relaxing, the guitar is neat! Maybe you could try to compress just a little bit, and put the whole mix a little more clear. Good job mate! Dominic
  5. Hello, Nice, I will check it for sure....but I got T-Racks not too long ago, and I really love it! You can listen to my mastered version here: http://soundcloud.com/dom-lajean/puzzle-adventure-music Dom edit: Do someone think the banjo is too loud?
  6. Hi Alessandro, Thanks for the kind comments :) The game is called Fruity Jelly and will be released on iphone and ipod touch somewhere around april. Now I'm learning how to properly do mastering, all my tracks need a little bit of clarity and to sound bigger too:P Stay in touch! Dom
  7. Hello, I love your piece! The instruments have a nice dynamics. ...sometimes, the digital world is fun because you can create some emotions you can't make with real instruments, and vice versa. I always make 'out of range partitions'...it's the beauty to have nice sounding virtual instruments Keep up the good work sir! Dom
  8. Your piece is really inspiring! Made me think of Mario Rpg. Keep up the good work mate;) Dom
  9. Hi John, Thanks for the reply!:D Yes I recorded the voices:) And for the banjo(but it's so digital I know it can sound like a guitar:P) I will try your suggestion. Thanks a lot for your kind comments. Dom
  10. I think 50 years after the death of the author his music is no longer under copyright. So it's allright to take classical music and all that stuff. Nice piece man, I really love it. it make me think of Jim Power: Keep up the good work:P Dom edit: and for your drum kit...have you try the sky kit in kore player from NI?(it's free)
  11. Hi everyone, Here's another piece of the same game. It's a night level in a puzzle/adventure game. If you have any comments feel free to post them. Your time is much appreciated. Dom Une Jelly Nuit
  12. Really nice...I don't have much to say(maybe it's too early in the morning lol) Keep up the good work! Dom
  13. Hi J, Really nice piece, make me smile:) I felt some insecurity in your partitions too....it doesn't flow at 100% (Section A) Maybe youre a bit too much on times? You could redo each instruments live without a click...maybe it would remove the insecure feeling. Beside that, your breakdown is really nice, but the mix could benefit of some clarity. Good job mate, I have your song in my head now haha! Dom
  14. Hello Jad, Thanks for the kind comments. Unfortunately, Fruity Jelly won't be out for the holiday season :( We are adding so much things in the game, things who were not initially planned...that's why we need a longer delay. Expect a release for next Spring. Thanks again for all of you who took the time to listen to my music, much appreciated:)
  15. Hello, So, yeah! Nice, you did try some things out :) Hmm...The intro is nice, the first drum roll is a great intro to your verse...but...you use the same drum roll to introduce each new thing and it becomes annoying. Try some variety, like 2 instrumenta who respond to each other. The sound of your bass could be more boomy and less high in my opinion. And you tried a breakdown, sweet!:) It's a nice first attempt, but, take that in a constructive way, you will need a little bit of musical theory studying to put a nice breakdown. Learn your scale major and minor. http://www.lalecondepiano.com/astuces/liste-acc-test76.htm Choose ''gamme majeur'' and on the left you can choose the note of the scale Try to play some chords between those notes, and do the same thing with the ''Gamme mineur'' I wish you good luck, there's potential in your music, you just need practice. Dom
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