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About treCorde

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  1. As you may know, Finland became world champion of ice-hockey last night (15.5.2011). Finland did it the first time in 1995. This song was their own unoffical -95-world-championship victory song.I'm not going to try to achieve perfection with this piece. I have too much else going on just now. This is just something I whipped up this morning.Just tell me what you think! Variationer över "Den glider in"
  2. This is a song made from a poem by Otto Julius Bierbaum (1865-1910).It really irritates me, that the singers always sound a bit delayed compared to the piano. It's because, when I play it in Sibelius, the singer gradually increases its volume during the beginning of the tone, whereas the piano does the opposite. Das grüne Wunder
  3. This is for piano and string orchestra.Nothing fancy, but it has the same idea as Ravel's Bolero. Iets helemaal anders
  4. I'm back!This is for a piano-violin duet.The first piece of these I composed during the autumn, so the name 'Frühlingsduett' is not entirely accurate. :D Comments please!!! Frühlingsduett
  5. I never throw anything out, not even the hand-written manuscripts. Of course, there are some things I never let anyone see but my self, but I rarely compose anything that bad.
  6. I actually don't think you want to push your creativity to your limits in order to get a nice melody, just do nothing about it and inspiration hits you like magic! I hit the same snag a few weeks ago, but then I just stopped trying and just then I came up with a great melody (made it into a piano-violin duet). When you have a good idea for a melody, the hard part has just begun. Perhaps to get it to sound right and to come up with an adequate 'sub-theme', is what you rather should be worrying about.
  7. I've been composing before I even started school, so maybe it's just me, but I find it hard to believe someone can just, while studying at a conservatory or such, become a good composer if they've just looked at the list of what classes to take, and said "Oh, composition! That sounds cool." and actually become a good composer. Because composition, I think, is something natural, and not something you do just because you're taking a composition class in school. What do you think? Can anything good come out of only school-based composition?
  8. I'm not really comfortable composing multiple pieces at once, unless it's a series of something or a suite. Then it's just the matter of coming up with enough time to write down all ones' good ideas. It's too bad you can't have someone else write down your ideas, like in the end of "Amadeus" with Mozart and Salieri. If you're writing some variations, it's relatively easy to compose something else at the same time. Variations don't require that much creativity before you start writing, and you can quit composing them just like that and settle for what you have.
  9. Nothing fancy, just a classical-sounding piece. I just wonder if, at one place, the modulation happens too fast... (Bar 73-74) Pièce Classique
  10. I know I don't really have the best track record when it comes to chamber music, but enjoy.It sounds a little cocky right now (played by Sibelius 6 software), but when(if) I get this played for real, perhaps by me and one violinist I know, I shall upload a real live recording. Wie Tag und Nacht
  11. I don't have much to say about this prelude. It sort-of teaches finger-stamina, to do the thirty-seconds and sixteenth triplets all the way to the end without tiring. Prélude
  12. SergeOfArniVillage: It's not literally impossible, try it out!
  13. I wrote this piece inspired by a tale of H.C. Andersen's. It still lacks dynamics and such for the time being, but you get the gist of it. Der böse Fürst
  14. Many composers here in YC have said, like you did, that they were writing something in the style of a famous composer like Bach, Debussy, Chopin etc. Many of them have done their imitating very poorly, sounding nothing like the ones they were trying to imitate. You are a clear exception! I can really feel the Haydn!
  15. Just a little something I pulled out one evening. Needed a bit of "final" touches in the morning... Pay in mind, that the score doesn't look so beautiful yet, without dynamics, tempo variances etc.The variations have been made to a famous Dutch folk song, so Royreintjes, for example (hehheh, Ik weet dat je nederlands bent :D), you might recognise the tune ("Een mandje vol amandelen").Thema + 7 variations. Variaties op een Nederlands Volkslied
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