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About Mircea

  • Birthday 08/03/1989

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  • Location
    Brasov, Roumania
  • Interests
    Piano and Instruments band songs, modern themes.

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  1. Leightwing, I will remeber tour advice but I wanted to mention that I have composed for real people, real people have played some of my music and regarding exceptions I only have a few....most of my pieces are totaly playeble....infact, all of them, except one or two but I thought I could afford an exception because it could never be played but as you said..you never know....
  2. Let's be honest.......what orchestra would stand around to play that symphony? Sometimes you can afford little exceptions and if by any chance it will be played by an orchestra, don't you think little adjustments can be made? It happens with Mozart, Strauss, Beethoven......it happens with enough of them to happen several times more but as I said...what are the chances to be played? so I make exception....
  3. Qcowboy, I am very familiar with instrument ranges and combinations, as I am a member of the highschool orchestra myself so I get to see every instrument close enough to write a book of instrument definitions. However the reason I pass some limits it's because I sometimes run out of ideas to express myself in other ways than the unusual flute parts and whatever may occur. For example I have a piece called "Riding With The Wind" and I wrote an impossible harp part but it sounds great and that's the reason I allowed it, considering that the computer can play it. You can find it at "Experimantal, Atonal or Other" at "My Early Songs" Topic. Anyway, thank you all for your evaluation. I appreciate that.
  4. This is my latest work and I actually recoded live violin (played, recorded & mixed by me) in the MP3 format of this piece but on the MIDI there is no violin, not even MIDI originated writen violin so if you ever feel curious about how it sounds please e-mail me (you will find my adress at my personal information on this site) or go to my site and download it (also you can see it at my personal information on this site). In the meantime, take a look at it and please tell me about your oppinion. It is 5 minutes long. Drowned_Ideas.mid
  5. I hope it will be considered a major work because it took me 1 year to complete it, the lenght is 14 minutes, it has full orchestra and other secondary effects and instruments, every sound on it is MIDI so nothing is missing, it varies through multiple styles and music genres so I consider it a major work and I hope you will to. The_Lost_Temple.mid
  6. Thank you! I will remeber your suggestion in my future compositions. I will be posting new pieces soon but meantime please check out my other compositions on "experimental" category and I posted three movements from my symphony called "The Lost Temple" in the orchestral section. 10x again and I'll be hearing from you.
  7. I agree with the fact that Finale is a perfect notator and can print sheets like no other program....even by image. But what good is the image of a sheet of music when you basicly use the program to play and edit songs that are designed to be heard, at a certain point... Composing music with a notation program is like straightning asphalt with the clothes iron. It does the job, while it's was designed for a total different reason. On the other hand, using two programs (first sequencer and then notator) is the best way to do it. First you write your ideas in a much better and free way, then using the MIDI format 1 you can go and arrange it the way you like it....of course that requires knowledge of using both programs...
  8. Try reinstalling your program......my cakewalk never did such things as you explaind... And also be sure that the channels don't mix....it could disturbe accidentals... Try creaing accidental by holding right-click while adding a note... How to remedy: Spot the notes that are wrong....and right'click them and check the note (for example F 5). Select the entire track (or the portion you want to mass change) Go to menu EDIT and SELECT and BY FILTER... Uncheck everyother feature except for NOTES Don't modify anything but the two slots where you enter notes such as above. Insert in both of them the same note that's bothering you (note that the two slots represent the range - ex: from D3 to G7) Click OK ...the program will now select all the notes within the specified range (when you enter the same note in both slots, the program will select only the notes of the height that you specified). Now go to EDIT and TRANSPOSE.... Enter the number of semitones (when the small feature below is unchecked) that you want the program to shift (up or down) the selected notes (in this case, the filter-selected notes). Now you have correct all the notes of the type you entered in the slots of the filter selection. Do the same with other notes.
  9. You have very unique style and you should keep on the good job! When is your next post? Hurry up!
  10. Well in that case let me ask you this: does Finale have graphic editing of midi efects such as pitch wheel...velocity.....ch aftertch...and all type of controllers? Not to mention all types of views possible at the same MIDI data in the file, such as Events list, Piano Roll View and other.... And then there is the important feature whoch allows you to record audio data along with MIDI data, real time, simultanious record/play ...and basic audio efects and editing, linking you to Sound Forge on you computer through DirectX. I don't say Finale hasn't got it's own particular features, but in my way of seeing things, Finale is too automated and notation based, sometimes you can't create the effects you need, as you imagine them... How's this for a difference?
  11. Cakewalk is more complex the Finale and Sibelius togather......I see you haven't got any assistance for it. If ever you need a guy to answer cakewalk questions, just let me know....I know that program so well I could draw a map of it. See ya
  12. During the times I lack of inspiration I re-write very popular songs in my own way....here are some good examples!! Mircea_Pavilcu___Nothings_gonna_change_my_love_for_you.mid Mircea_Pavilcu___Love_Story.mid Mircea_Pavilcu___Gingle_Bells.mid Mircea_Pavilcu___Zaraza.mid
  13. After I gained some knowledge about music composition, I started out simple, these pieces are the example of my early stages of composition. Reply Me Please! Easter__s_Eve.mid The_Flooding_Nature.mid Abyss.mid The_Way_Of_Life.mid The_Flaming_Forest.mid Riding_With_The_Wind.mid Riding_With_The_Wind.mid The_Green_Nature.mid
  14. I tried to compose a symphony but I have this modern reflex so it came out pretty 21th Centrury. Listen to this! The_Lost_Temple.mid The_Lost_Temple__adagio_.mid The_Lost_Temple__Menuetto_.mid
  15. I wrote this last year and everybody keeps telling me it's very romantic and stuff.....so consider it the second Love Story. Denied_Love.mid
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