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Peter Grimes

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About Peter Grimes

  • Birthday 10/08/1991

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  • Interests
    Film, Art, Poetry...

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  1. I think Pagliacci has a lot of great moments. But it sounds like a much older work then it actually is. It wasn't at all very revolutionary for its time.
  2. I really like it a lot. It is nice to listen to. My only problem is the first little part in the beggining it sounds kind of wierd...
  3. Here is another small piece. It is more just idea written down and of course the ending is terrible. But I have no idea how to end it... Piano_Piece_2.mid Piano_Piece_2.sib
  4. I don't think the piece needs to continue and you need to think up more to put in it. I think it is nice as it is and you should come up with a spectacular ending. I like how it sounds, catchy...
  5. Here is a piece I wrote for chorus. I'm not that great when it comes to composition, so I wanted to post it to see peoples re-actions. There may be text added... But for now there is not. I hope you enjoy! ChoralPiece.sib ChoralPiece.mid
  6. Thank you very much for you comments Giselle!
  7. I have about 30 seconds of a piece I've been working on. I am not much of a composer and I try to write what I can. I understand this piece is probably impossible to play but are there any good qualities to what I have written or is it not worth even continuing? I won't feel bad if you tell me no... I understand. PianoRhapsody1.sib PianoRhapsody1.mid
  8. I have two suggestions of works people should listen to... 1- Andre Previn's FOUR SONGS FOR SOPRANO, CELLO, AND PIANO 2- Shostakovich's TRIO NO. 2 IN E MINOR FOR PIANO, VIOLIN, AND CELLO
  9. SOOOOOOOO WONDERFUL. It is sweet, cute, funny... Terrific.
  10. Very beutiful. Loved it a lot. Esspecailly the solo soprano...
  11. Even though I'm not much of a composer, I'd love to give a shot at trying this competition. Count me in!
  12. Oh, it is so nice to hear a recording of the song. I love what the instruments are doing. I think it is fantastic other then I wish there was more of a melody in song which you could connect to, so it could go off in different directions but then I think it would be great to return to a brilliant melody...
  13. The beggining sounds like a work of brilliance but then after that intro to me it starts to sound not very great with the drums. It sounds kind of like a pop song. Personally, I don't like the sound of it. But the beggining really good. I suggest having just piano in this song.
  14. I have to agree with EclecticPhilosopher, the beggining sounds very random. I like how it sounds once you get into the piece. The ending of course needs some work and the pieces needs to be a little longer so you have time to get into it.
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