Hmmm I just read the 'guidelines', so I think I need to justify this thread a little more.
Although the music is 'background' in the sense of accompanying a video, I feel with the development of themes and the effort I put into it, it is a piece in it's own right. Also, I felt posting here would possibly get a little more feedback. :o Plus it's something a little bit different!
Hope you like it. :D
To answer the questions:
1. Techniques used
Ermmm, lots? The main one was trying to capture lots of different moods, while keeping the fluidity in the piece.
2. How long it took to compose
About a week, on average 3 hours a day.
3. Structure
0-15: Main 'Galapagos Theme' (you here the short theme 4 at about 10s).
15-21: Theme 2
21-33: Theme 3 - brass
0.50-1.02: Reprise of Galapagos Theme with brass for seal fight.
1.08-1.24: This act is supposed to be 'cultural', so I threw in a piano and arabic percussion!
1.25-1.38: Galapagos Theme again, the second part disguised in 'crab' style. Theme 4 on clarinet.
4. Obstacles you ran into when composing
By far the hardest thing was the fact that the video consists of lots of short clips, rather than a few extended clips. This made it very difficult to avoid having too many separate ideas, and to try and get the piece to flow (this was less of an issue for the last minute where it's one big long shot).
1.46-1.53: Theme 2 on oboe in sunset scene.
2.02-2.14: Flight preparation music, using Theme 2.
2.14-end: Climax with Galapagos Theme, aswell as themes 3 (at 2.38) and 4 (2.26-2.37).