Hi. My name is Chris, and I'm new here.
I have been teaching myself music theory by myself with the text book, Tonal Harmony 5th ed. I find music theory
fascinating, and enjoy learning about it. For some time, I have realized that without having the cds to listen to the audio examples, I am missinhg out on alot of information. The fifth edition is no longer being printed and I can't find used cd's anywhere. I don't know where I can find answers to my questions, so I thought I'd try here since some of you may have this book.
1. Does anyone know where I can find cd's for the fifth edition?
2. How different is the 6th edition from the 5th edition? Would the 6th edition cd's work with the 5th edition textbook?
3. Does anyone know where I can find some answers. I've contacted the publisher and couldn't get any answers.
I'd really appreciate any serious help at all.