Hi. If you really want to pursue on your goal, I suggest you stick to it. The decision fairly lies in you. You should be ready to take the risk so as to meet your goals. You said, you'd like to attend some summer camp or workshop and study in a foreign place. You're also willing to travel. You did have a prospect of schools but you're not so sure if you really want to go since you will miss something. At first yes, it's hard when you think of what you will miss. But when you directly focus on something probably a goal that you really want to achieve, you can come up to a decision by taking that chance. Don't let the opportunity passes by. Take the risk and you see that it's worth risking for. At least you tried. But if you're really afraid in taking chances, then you might as well look in your place for summer camp program that offers what you like to do. I bet there are schools that offer such program. Good luck.