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Kid Joe

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  1. Oh my god, you are absolutely right! Though you need to use the numbers located at the right side of the keyboard. Many thanks.
  2. I hadn't asked this if I wanted to compose bass part in notes and then paste into tabs. So this thread isn't solved yet, help please.
  3. Hello, I think I have some few problems when it comes to composing with bass and guitar tabs. Alright, I know how to put it so I can compose bass part with tabs, but the tab system is just weird. I mean not weird, but putting numbers in tab line is weird, all numbers I can manage to put are: 0, 5, 9, 14, 19 and 24. So my problem is how to set numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etc. ALL NUMBERS till 24 in line. Hopefully somebody understood my problem even though my english isn't perfect. Yours sincerely, Kid Joe
  4. Hello, my measures aren't ok I afraid. The amount of them used to grow by the time I filt them, like first when I made a new "project" there were 31 measures at the beginning, when I filt about 28 of them the amount of total measures grew to 36, when I filt 32 (of 36) the amount grew to 40 (or something like that) and so on. That way I was able to compose as long compositions as I wanted. But few days ago, I normally started composing the new thing, I filt the measures etc. but then I got confused because the total measure amount didn't grow, so I couldn't compose it longer! Only 31 measures, that's it. I tried to find a reason, but I couldn't, so I ask this here. Please help. I use Finale 2006.
  5. Thank you for solving my problem.
  6. Alright, I've been using Finale 2006 for a few months, but still can't realize how I can copy measures of some instrument on somewhere, without deleting measures (other instrument's notes) of below (yes, I know it sounds weird = I can only copy one instrument's measures, but not others without deleting other instrument's measures...). I hate how I need to write same measures, same note-combos over and over again, without having chance of copying, it is pretty boring, you know. This problem eats my composing-time pretty much, so maybe some of you understood (even though my bad english) what I meant and could help.
  7. Wow, looks like Finale 2006 is what I've been looking for then. I really like your "The Waterfall" -song, expect it reminds me of angels and other "wimpy" stuff like that, not waterfall, heh. That helped me a lot, like all answers did, thank you all. It's almost sure that I'll get Finale then. And Beefy, I really don't like midi composing style, I just have a melody in my mind, and I want to write it down fast as possible, and have a program which plays it with very good quality (since I write and sing my songs, which means I don't want midish music at all). I got your idea, but I just don't like it, don't hate me, heh. Thanks.
  8. Heh, well not exactly of course, but close enough. Thanks for your lightful advice anyway, I'll take a closer look to both programs.
  9. Very nice and long answer, I propably will take that Finale 2007 then (you should be a peddler). Oh, just one thing, I couldn't find any information about instruments (of Finale 2007) on www.finalemusic.com, so any time to tell me something about it? And is there any samples of Finale 2007, I really would like to hear how well and qualified it plays the notes. Thank you.
  10. Hmm, all I know about Sibelius is that it's pretty expensive. What instruments does it offer? Are the quality of sounds how good? Because from the program I expect that it can play my composition well, not like some cheap ringtone. And hopefully it is not like FL Studio or any other cheap rap beat -program.
  11. Hello, I am currently using a program called Finale Notepad 2006 (demo version) for composing, and I have few things I would like to know. Firstly, I will buy a full version of some composing program, and now my eyes are on "Finale." Is this Finale's right name Finale Notepad 2006 [full version (of course)], and if it is, how it is different from F Notepad 06? What are the differences? I'm not happy with this demo version since it has only few instruments (30 or so), and they sound like they would be midi. I've readed about this "Human playback" -program, will it change instruments sound like recorded in studio? So everything in few words: 1. How is "Finale" different from Finale Notepad 06 demo version (very accurated answer please, I really would like to know everything)? 2. Does this "Human playback" -upgrade work with Finale? Well obviously yes, but I would like to be sure. Thank you for all readers and answerers, or linkers even. And excuse me for my bad language, I am 15-years old and from Finland.
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