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About Jonah-B

  • Birthday 12/08/1987

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  1. My internet has been out for awhile so I haven't been able to get on here to thank you for your kind review until now. Thanks. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! The unchanging chord progressions have kinda become common place in my songs. Its not really intentional. I try to let the music kinda write itself and I tend to naturally put more focus on the texture than the chord progression. Its something I need to try harder to break away from because I think my music would be more interesting if I could Thanks again for your encouraging review.
  2. New song I wrote called Utopia Utopia
  3. Jonah-B

    Sky Blue

    Thanks Jad! I'm glad you liked it.
  4. Jonah-B

    Sky Blue

    Haven't been doing a whole lot of recording lately. I've managed to write a few new things here and there though. Here's a new piece I did called Sky Blue. Its kinda weird, but it turned out pretty good. I'm happy with it. I think the song picks up the longer it goes. My favorite part is the climax near the end. Lemme know what you guys think! Sky Blue
  5. Jonah-B


    Thanks Charybdis! I'm glad you liked it.
  6. Jonah-B


    Thanks! I know the bass is setup kinda weird. I mixed most of the instruments in the piece relatively low. It wasn't really intentional, its just how it ended up. I was thinking of adding a bass guitar or something, but I thought it might just add the mucky clutter that was building up at the bottom. Yup, I definitely could have mixed it better. More drums is an interesting idea. The bass drum was really put in as kind of an after thought. As for the melody, I know exactly what you mean. The way I did the melody sort of has an unprofessional and strange feel. Its kinda hard to explain, but I wanted it like that. I could have made it fit into the mix better, but I wanted it to sound different. Dunno why. It just felt right at the time. Thanks for taking the time to leave a review!
  7. Jonah-B


    My first piece of the new year! Its called Silver. I don't think I got the mixing quiet right. Its a little too muddy and cloudy sounding in spots, but it doesn't stand out too bad since I was going for a really ambient spaced out sound anyway. Overall I'm fairly happy with it. Let me know what you guys think! Silver
  8. Thank you all for your reviews! Yeah, dark and eerie isn't the best descriptor for this one... I suppose I shouldn't have put that in the description then! I'll explain my thinking on that a little better. The overall theme of the album is dark but not every piece on the album really presents that atmosphere in the same way that not every song on a horror film or game soundtrack presents a feeling of terror. I feel that anxious and contemplative were probably the two best words I've seen here to describe the feel of this one. I feel SergeofArniVillage hit it pretty close. It makes me think of someone that is in a dark and unhappy place closing their eyes and trying to imagine something better, perhaps dreaming up an impossible escape from their dilemma, or just trying to hide from their unhappiness. This isn't a commercial album. Its just a project I did for fun and to gain experience. All of the pieces are short and simple like this. It was sort of an experiment. It allowed me to focus more on creating new ideas and deal less with things like expanding on existing song ideas. Its sort of like an artist's notebook full of rough sketches. It was kind of an exercise to help build up my song writing skills I guess. In the end I had a lot of fun writing like this. I would love to be able to record a real piano for this, but I write music from my home as a hobby. I can't afford a lot of professional recording equipment. I don't even own a piano that's suitable for recording. I could have done more with the samples though. Those samples are just part of the default pack that came with Reason. Thanks again everyone for taking the time to leave reviews!
  9. I really enjoyed this one Charybdis. That electric guitar synth sounds really unique. It added a lot of character. I particularly liked around 1:05 where the song starts to die down, then the wind instruments kick in. Overall this just has a wonderful feel to it. Really well done.
  10. A piece off of my newest project called Soundtrack for a Nervous Breakdown. Its an album full of mini one to two minute long songs with a dark and eerie theme. This one is pretty minimal and straight forward. I'm particularly happy with the corny little piano melody towards the end. Closed Eyes
  11. One of my newest completed pieces off of my acoustic guitar ep. Run
  12. Thanks, Phantom! Yeah, I wish I would have experimented more with the first half of this song. I agree that the majority of the song is dull and repetitive. The only part I'm really satisfied with is the build up near the end. If it weren't for that buildup section with the distorted guitar then I probably wouldn't have shared this track.
  13. Thanks Char. The contests are a wonderful idea. I've been thinking of entering one and I probably will eventually. I've also thought about volunteering for small game projects, but I'm not sure if I want to take on something like that with the way my current schedule is set up. I really don't want to promise some tracks for somebody and then not be able to deliver them in a timely manner. I just never know when I'm gonna get time to record. For example, I've had two nearly complete tracks sitting on my hard drive for a week now, I just need to do a few final mixing related things to them and they'll be ready, but I haven't had time to do it yet! Basically when I do get a few hours of time to record I have to cram as much in as quickly as possible or else I'll never finish anything, If I were to volunteer for a project though, then the gamedev forums would be one of the first places I'd go. I used to frequent that site in my nerdy game programmer wannabe teen years so I know its a wonderful site! But yeah, congrats on the interest from the game developers. Good luck on those projects!
  14. Thank you both so much! I've never heard of a theremin so I looked it up on Youtube.I wish I had one of those! It looks awesome. The sound at the beginning is a patch I made with Reason's Thor synth. It does sound very similar though! I'd love to jam with a band some day. Its something I've always wanted to do. It wouldn't work well with my current schedule though. I have three kids and a full time job (stocking shelves at walmart, which I absolutely freakin loathe). Planning out recording sessions wouldn't work well for me as I never know when I'll get spare time. Maybe some day I'll get the opportunity though. Again, thank you both for your encouraging words!
  15. Thanks, The J! This song started out as a rock piece when I originally recorded it many years ago. I never finished that version though. Its on my website if you wanna compare. I think a lot of my music would be more heavy rock or metal if I had a band to jam with, but since its just me and my computer I often go a more minimalist route with my songs.
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