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About Selindra

  • Birthday 08/04/1992

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Enthusiast (6/15)

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  • Six Years in
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  1. A last short song of my first album. I hope you'll enjoy :) Farewell
  2. A new version of my latest song. The Serenade of Life
  3. I have to say that music can indeed awake emotions, and therefore I say that music is LOADED with emotions. But what is emotion? Emotion can be many things and I strongly believe music is one of the most touching things ever. One good example. At first I knew nothing about piano but I just let my emotions out until it sounded okay and I evolved around that.
  4. A song I've been working on for 2 evenings now, I hope as always that you'll enjoy it and tell me what you think :) Nepenthe ~ Piano & Violin
  5. Thank you very much Niels! Yes it is East West Ra, lots of ethnic instruments
  6. When I first heard the duduk flute I fell in love and from that moment I knew I had to compose a song. From my heart, I hope you'll enjoy :)So I have worked alot on this one, and I feel it is done now, I wanted it to be a feel-good relaxing song. I could almost fall asleep to this :) Red Rising Sun
  7. A piano song I composed and recorded through my midi keyboard today. I hope you'll enjoy, it's truly from my heart and soul for it came to me in an instant almost <3 End of March
  8. This sounds better on a real piano, it was really hard for me to record it on my midi keyboard. But I hope you'll enjoy nonetheless :) Cold Tears
  9. From my heart, I hope you'll enjoy. My Beloved
  10. Thank you so much, it means alot to me, this is my true passion and I love that other people enjoy it <3 I hope the site issue get fixed
  11. From my heart, I hope you'll enjoy.It is supposed to be kind of short, so it fits with a schoolproject. Silent Love
  12. Hehe I'm sorry to. Well I've not written notes and exported in in midi files and used them to record. I did play on my fancy midi keyboard however. More feeling that way, yet I do not consider myself a good pianist. But it's still better than the "robotic" feeling pure midi files get
  13. It's not MIDI. and yes it may not really suit for a game or movie, it's not really that important. I just wanted to share it. Thanks, however.
  14. My first try without using midi notes. I hope you'll enjoy :) A New Beginning
  15. It has great potential, Very nice melodies and so Keep it up
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